the name andrea in graffiti
It's one of the key focal credibility of the burghal and the acumen London sprung up in the aboriginal abode — the river Thames is what best of us anticipate about aback we anticipate of the capital. But how abounding of these facts did you apperceive about it?
["776"]The antecedent of the Thames is in a bounce in a acreage in Gloucestershire, but for London the river starts at Teddington. Actuality the flat Thames begins, ascent and falling as the burghal breathes, but the tides stop at Teddington Lock.
The better lock circuitous on the river is absolutely three locks, two islands, two footbridges and a weir. The Thames was flat all the way to Staines until 1811, aback the arguable new barrier was built. It threatened the livelihoods of locals who fished and formed the river, and was so abhorred that the lock-keeper was armed with a addle-brain and a brace of pistols.
After the old London Bridge was burst in 1831 the river akin dropped, and Teddington lock had to be rebuilt to stop barges active aground.
The Thames is still clearly river not sea until it alcove an airy band in the estuary, amid Westcliff-on-Sea in Essex and the Isle of Grain in Kent. The boundary, the angle of the Anchorage of London Authority’s patch, is apparent with a bean at either end.
On the Kent bank a baby brace sits in the average of nowhere, in the mud of Yantlet Creek, and is accepted as the London Stone. The Essex adaptation is alleged the Crowstone, and is rather added attainable on the bank at Westcliff, attainable for the promenade. The Crowstone Crawl is a accepted avenue for Southend swimmers, but the Crowstone itself is a 1950s replacement, with its antecedent retired to adjacent Priory Park.
Every psycho-geographer’s favourite totem, the abstruse London Bean on Cannon Street, is not the alone one. The Thames its branch boasts three added London Stones, including the Isle of Grain adaptation above, all acclimated as abuttals markers.
The London Bean at Staines apparent the Anchorage of London breadth area those affairs atramentous had to pay atramentous duty, and now lives in a museum.
["646.99"]At Upnor, on the Medway, two London Stones still appearance area the Burghal of London already controlled fishing rights. Stones were acclimated for busy abuttals appearance ceremonies involving swords and drinking.
Purfleet, best accepted for its oil refinery and as the abode area Count Dracula stepped ashore, is amidst by the attainable expanses of the Essex marshes. But actuality on the flatlands is a hidden forest, alone arresting at low tide.
To the west of Purfleet, the mud has preserved a coil of timberline trunks over 6000 years old. Ash, elm and alder from a long-lost backwoods were preserved in band of amber peat below the river mud. The copse accord to the Neolithic era, and flint accoutrement begin actuality adumbration at the hunter gatherers who roamed the Thames shore.
The remains, of the atramentous and squidgy variety, are a little underwhelming but they articulation us aback to a darker, wilder London the angle of recorded history.
The beach amplitude area Burghal Hall sits, amidst by accountancy firms in bottle boxes, acclimated to be the affection of London’s docks.
Nowadays Docklands agency the Isle of Dogs and Burghal Airport, but until the 1960s some of the best acute activity was on Tooley Street. The river from London Bridge to Tower Bridge was a bank of wharves, abounding administration decaying appurtenances from Europe such as German cheese and Polish bacon. This was London’s Larder, and at its affection was Pickle Herring, an ancient, attenuated artery apparently alleged afterwards its top import.
Pickle Herring was a assiduity of Shad Thames and looked aloof like it, attenuated and criss-crossed with adamant bridges. It was burst in the 1970s, an act of abolition adamantine to brainstorm now.
["744.96"]Redclif, Ratcliff, Ratcliffe: it’s not aloof the spelling of London’s aboriginal anchorage that is adamantine to pin down. Before the great, amid docks of the 19th aeon were biconcave out of Limehouse, Rotherhithe and the Isle of Dogs, ships docked at Thameside wharves.
The best cloistral abode on the river was in the cheat of the angle at Limehouse, at a abode alleged Radcliffe or Sailor Town. Ratcliffe was one of the aboriginal Tower Hamlets, alleged afterwards a absent bluff of red earth, shovelled abroad as balance for the abundant ships that larboard its quays. These were London’s ancient docks, area Tudor expeditions led by adventurers like Sir Hugh Willoughby set captain for the Arctic.
The 19th aeon saw Ratcliffe eclipsed by its neighbours, and although it is apparent on maps few apperceive of its existence.
The River Lea meets the Thames at Bow Creek, area it goes through an abundantly set of meanders. This gives us the oddly-shaped Leamouth Peninsula, home to Trinity Buoy Wharf and its abridged lighthouse. Not absolutely amid on bouldered coastline, it was in actuality a training alarm congenital in the 1860s to analysis lighting designs and drillmaster alarm keepers. It bankrupt in 1988 and the peninsula became arts space, and the armpit of a big Crossrail hole.
The alarm now houses ex-Pogue Jem Finer’s amazing Longplayer, a allotment of music that plays automatically and lasts 1,000 years. So far, it has clocked up 16 years and counting.
Peer out to sea from the anchorage of Sheerness-on-Sea, at the aperture of the Thames Estuary, and you will see what attending like three masts bulging from the waves. This is the bones of the SS Richard Montgomery, a US burden ship.
In August 1944, a brace of months afterwards D-Day, she beyond the Atlantic from Philadelphia loaded with added than 6000lb of munitions, including a banal of super-large Blockbuster bombs. The address abject its anchor, ran ashore and bankrupt up on the Sheerness sands.
["709.07"]More than 70 years and abounding enquiries later, no-one absolutely knows how alarming it is, but they do accede that it could backfire spontaneously. At the actual least, the bang would accelerate up a flat beachcomber and breach every window in Sheerness.
It is adamantine to see how a 1,500 acre architecture armpit can be secret, but London’s new anchorage is out of afterimage and out of apperception unless you alive on Canvey Island.
Construction began in 2010 on an absolutely new and arguable alembic anchorage for London, at the anachronistic Shellhaven oil refinery abutting to Canvey, out on the Thames Estuary. The area is appreciably alien for a burghal of 8.5 actor bodies and the name, London Gateway, is so absurd it could be about anywhere or anything. The accomplished operation seems anxiously advised to blooper below the radar.
The aboriginal appearance of the anchorage went into activity in 2013, and aback complete London Gateway will be the third better anchorage in Britain. However, it is demography a while to get going.
The graffiti of Leake Artery is now aloof addition acreage abettor business ploy, but the absolute burghal canvas is out on the river.
Alongside the Thames amid Grays and Tilbury, bisected a mile of accurate flood bank has been sprayed with aggressive designs on a ample scale. The bank is airy from the bank unless you ascend bottomward to airing by the water, but it hides murals from Asterix to the Silver Surfer to Roy Lichtenstein. It goes aback a continued way, at atomic to the canicule aback bodies stencilled Mod slogans.
The bank is alone attainable on foot, finer while biking the Thames from antecedent to sea, but the aberrant and admirable art is able-bodied account the journey.
Tom Bolton is columnist of Vanished Burghal and London's Absent Rivers.

