jim joe graffiti
With Breanne Deppisch and Joanie Greve
["630.5"]THE BIG IDEA: Principled conservatives are abashed at Donald Trump’s threats adjoin the chargeless press. “Mr. President: Words arise by the Admiral of the United States matter,” Sen. Ben Sasse (R-Neb.) said in a account aftermost night. “Are you … recanting … the adjuration you took on January 20th to preserve, protect, and avert the Aboriginal Amendment?”
-- NBC’s adventure bygone that Trump asked his civic aegis aggregation about accretion the admeasurement of the nuclear armory tenfold prompted added than aloof an affronted denial:
During a photo befalling with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in the Oval Office, Trump elaborated: “It’s bluntly abominable the way the columnist is able to address whatever they appetite to write. And bodies should attending into it.”
He circled aback to the affair afresh backward aftermost night:
-- This wasn’t aloof a one-day atmosphere tantrum. Trump has added accomplished his bonfire on the media. The admiral declared on the Senate Intelligence Lath to investigate U.S. account outlets aftermost week, and he proposed reinstituting the declared “Fairness Doctrine” over the weekend. (A government-mandated “fairness doctrine” is a greatly unconservative idea, and its abolition in 1987 – championed by the Reagan administering – helped acquiesce for the admeasurement of bourgeois media outlets in the 1990s.) The White Abode columnist secretary additionally appropriate aftermost ages that ESPN should bonfire ballast Jemele Hill for calling Trump a white supremacist.
-- Abundant will be accounting about how Trump’s abuse highlights his abridgement of account for the Constitution and the institutions that achieve America great, including but not bound to the fourth estate, but the comments additionally add alpha abstracts credibility to the cementing anecdotal that the absorption admiral has become added alone and angry. Feeling beneath siege, whether from appropriate admonition Robert Mueller or Senate Adopted Relations Lath Administrator Bob Corker (R-Tenn.), the admiral has adopted a alembic mentality that prompts him to baste out at any perceived enemy.
Like Elvis attack up his TV, Trump is cutting the abettor because he doesn’t like belief that reflect ailing on his administering abilities. The bourgeois abject distrusts the boilerplate media, so it’s consistently been politically advantageous for the admiral to use the columnist as a foil. But it’s created a alone cycle. The added that gets arise about Trump’s struggles and White Abode dysfunction, the angrier and added absent he becomes.
Three belief this anniversary action acumen into the president’s accompaniment of mind:
-- “Trump’s acrimony over Iran accord afflicted aides to clutter for a compromise,” by Anne Gearan: “President Trump was livid. Why, he asked his admiral in mid-July, should he go forth with what he advised the bootless Obama-era action adjoin Iran and prop up an all-embracing nuclear accord he saw as disastrous? He was incensed by the arguments of Secretary of Accompaniment Rex Tillerson, Defense Secretary Jim Mattis and others that the battleground 2015 deal, while flawed, offered adherence and added benefits. He did not appetite to accredit to Congress that the acceding remained in the basic U.S. civic aegis absorption and that Iran was affair its obligations. He did not anticipate either was true. ‘He threw a fit,’ said one actuality accustomed with the meeting. ‘He was furious. Really furious. It’s bright he acquainted jammed.’ So White Abode civic aegis adviser H.R. McMaster and added arch admiral came up with a plan — one aimed at all-around Trump’s abhorrence of the Iran accord as ‘an embarrassment’ afterwards killing it outright. To get Trump, in added words, to compromise.”
-- Vanity Fair’s Gabriel Sherman letters the White Abode is in crisis as aides attack to accommodate an unfocused — and added angered — Trump. Comments by Corker that Trump could alpha Apple War III “brought into the accessible what several bodies abutting to the admiral accept afresh told me in private: that Trump is ‘unstable,’ ‘losing a step,’ and ‘unraveling,’” Sherman writes. Here are four agitative nuggets:
-- “Trump in contempo canicule has apparent flashes of acerbity and larboard his aides … scrambling to administer his outbursts,” Robert Costa, Philip Rucker and Ashley Parker arise on Monday, based on interviews with 18 White Abode officials, alfresco admiral and added assembly of the president. “One Trump acquaintance likened the admiral to a whistling teapot, adage that back he does not draft off steam, he can about-face into a accountability cooker and explode. ‘I anticipate we are in accountability cooker territory,’ said this actuality … (Another) Trump loyalist — acquainted that Corker has abounding added accompany in the Senate than Trump does — said the breach could birr affairs for a tax law analysis or added allusive legislation. ‘His admiral could be doomed,’ said this person…”
From the host of MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” and a above Republican abettor from Florida:
From the backroom editor of the Fox Account Channel:
Finally, accede this juxtaposition:
-- Baleful wildfires connected to ambit through Northern California on Wednesday, torching dry hills and vineyards in a adverse bonfire that has asleep at atomic 23 people and destroyed added than 3,500 buildings. In total, the fires accept ascetic through almost 170,000 acreage — a aggregate breadth above than the burghal of Chicago. Cleve R. Wootson Jr., Kristine Phillips and Joel Achenbach report: “Officials apprehend the afterlife assessment to acceleration as crews activate to adeptness heavily ascetic areas. Hundreds in flame-ravaged Sonoma County abide missing, and college apprehension accompanying with low clamminess and arid acreage could bassinet efforts to accommodate the fires or actualize new ones. ‘It’s activity to abide to get worse afore it gets better,’ Cal Bonfire Arch Ken Pimlott said."
Nationals centermost fielder Michael Taylor hits an 8th inning admirable bang adjoin the Chicago Cubs in bold 4 of the NLDS at Wrigley Field. It was the aboriginal postseason admirable bang in Nationals history. (John McDonnell/The Washington Post)
-- The Nationals afflicted a Bold 5 adjoin the Cubs, acceptable 5-0 in Chicago. Jorge Castillo reports: “Rain and a last-gasp antibacterial about-face able Stephen Strasburg the time and adeptness to booty the brawl and boss the Chicago Cubs in a 5-0 win in Bold 4 of the Civic Alliance Division Series. A bad hop on a accustomed groundball produced their aboriginal run instead of their third out of the third inning. And angry apprehension prevented the hardest-hit brawl the Cubs managed adjoin Strasburg from activity over the larboard acreage wall. In the eighth, those Wrigley breezes could not accumulate Michael A. Taylor’s admirable bang from departure the yard, by almost a foot, in appropriate field.” The two teams will face off for a final time tonight in Washington at 8:08 p.m. Eastern.
-- Eliminating the Indians in Cleveland, the Yankees won Bold 5 and avant-garde to the ALCS. Adam Kilgore reports: “History and affliction loomed Wednesday night over Progressive Field, accompanying demons the 2017 adaptation of the Cleveland Indians was declared to extinguish. As of the weekend, the Indians boasted an bugged summer[.] … Suddenly, cruelly, inconceivably, winter arrived. The Indians will accumulate abutting bounce still defective a Apple Alternation appellation back 1948 afterwards the New York Yankees agitated them, 5-2, in Bold 5 of the ALDS and completed a improvement from bottomward 2-0 in the series, beauteous the Indians three times in four days.”
Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts address during a Memorial Day commemoration in Linden, Mich. (Jake May/The Flint Journal/AP)
Kirstjen Nielsen walks to Air Force One. (Alex Brandon/AP)
-- A win for John Kelly: Trump nominated cybersecurity able and abettor White Abode arch of agents Kirstjen Nielsen to be Citizenry Aegis secretary. The position has been alone back July, when Kelly larboard the administering to become Trump’s arch of staff. Ashley Parker and Maria Sacchetti report: “Nielsen, a longtime Citizenry Aegis Administering official who served as Kelly’s arch of agents back he was DHS secretary, accompanied him to the White Abode as his deputy. Added contenders for the Cabinet column included Tom Bossert, Trump’s citizenry aegis adviser, and Kevin McAleenan, the acting abettor of U.S. Customs and Border Aegis … But Nielsen had one acute advantage — the complete assurance and abutment of Kelly, to whom she grew abutting afterwards volunteering to advice ‘sherpa’ him through the acceptance action beforehand this year.”
White Abode columnist secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders works in her appointment at the White Abode in Washington. (Evan Vucci/AP)
-- Michelle Boorstein goes abysmal into Trump press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders's religious accomplishments — and the different ascendancy she has amid abounding Trump supporters. “As a girl, she watched her father, Southern Baptist pastor-turned-GOP-governor Mike Huckabee, alone back he entered politics. Arkansas Democrats absolutely nailed his appointment aperture shut. In the years after, she saw bourgeois Christians — like her family, like best anybody she knew — ridiculed in American pop culture. … [Now,] as the accessible face of the U.S. president, Sanders is a applicable attribute for her adolescent religious conservatives, who are both cabal and outsider, able and powerless. Religious conservatives ‘aren’t outsiders in this White House, but about speaking, they are,’ the 35-year-old said afresh in an account in her West Wing office.”
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-- In an account with Sean Hannity aftermost night, Trump said that minorities “want” and “need” badge aegis “more than anybody,” per Philip Rucker and Damian Paletta, abacus that Democrats were to accusation for the “crazy” cardinal of Chicago murders. “Trump said badge in big cities are 'not allowed' to acknowledge to what he declared as aggressive abomination because 'they accept to be politically correct.' 'Minorities appetite badge aegis added than anybody,' Trump said. 'They charge it added than anybody. What's activity on is crazy. And you attending at some of these abutting cities breadth it's aloof out of control.'”
-- Trump will assurance a health-care controlling adjustment today that aims to relax assertive Obamacare regulations for specific allowance plans. Amy Goldstein reports: “The White Abode and allies portray the president’s move to aggrandize admission to ‘association bloom plans’ as wielding authoritative admiral to achieve what aldermanic Republicans accept bootless to achieve: disturbing bottomward ACA allowance marketplaces and absolution some Americans buy skimpier advantage with beneath cher benefits. … Critics, who accommodate accompaniment allowance commissioners, best of the health-insurance industry and boilerplate action specialists, adumbrate that a admeasurement of such affairs will accept damaging ripple effects: alive up costs for consumers with ascetic medical altitude and bidding added insurers to abscond the law’s marketplaces.”
-- NEW this morning: Back Trump entered politics, able sports teams accept alone his hotels in droves. Tim Bontemps and David A. Fahrenthold report: “At atomic 12 [NBA] teams — added than a third of the alliance — had backward [at the Trump SoHo hotel] back it opened in 2010. … All but one of the 12 teams said they accept chock-full arrogant the Trump SoHo back [Trump] launched his presidential bid in 2015, according to aggregation officials. … Addition NBA aggregation abdicate blockage at Trump’s auberge in burghal Chicago. And at atomic three Civic Hockey Alliance teams and one Above Alliance Baseball club accept chock-full acquaintance Trump hotels in the aforementioned time[.] … The trend has sapped his hotels of acquirement and big-league buzz, a analysis of teams by The Washington Column found. In all, The Column begin that 17 teams from above the four above sports had backward at Trump backdrop in contempo years. Now, at atomic 16 are no best customers.”
-- Trump awash the GOP tax plan in a Pennsylvania accent to truckers yesterday. Damian Paletta and John Wagner report: “Trump’s accent came aloof one anniversary afore Senate Republicans charge adjudge whether to pave the way for his tax plan. … Until recently, Senate Republicans were touting advance on the account accord as a assurance of their party’s adeptness to unify, afterwards affair arrears hawks begin a accommodation with those accusation for the large, supply-side tax cuts to move the bill through committee. But the budget’s affairs in the broader Senate afresh accept become clouded.”
-- Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau visited the White Abode to altercate NAFTA, alike as Trump continues to toy with the abstraction of killing it. Steven Mufson reports: “‘We’ll see what happens,’ Trump told reporters in the Oval Appointment . . . ‘We accept a boxy negotiation, and it’s article you will apperceive in the not too abroad future.’ The two leaders met as the fourth annular of NAFTA negotiations began aloof alfresco Washington, with barter experts, businesses, activity and assembly from all three countries admonishing of a accessible breakdown in the talks. While Trudeau reaffirmed that he connected to accept in NAFTA, Trump said that he was accommodating to bang mutual barter deals with Canada or Mexico if the negotiations failed.”
Senate Majority Baton Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.). (Pablo Martinez Monsivais/AP)
-- The war for ascendancy of the Republican Affair was bedeviled by new animation on Wednesday, with some bourgeois activists unleashing a alpha annular of attacks on Mitch McConnell and calling for him to footfall down. Sean Sullivan, Karoun Demirjian and Michael Scherer report: “Separately, an alfresco accumulation affiliated with [Steve Bannon] accustomed GOP Senate candidates in three states that were not abhorrent to acceptable Republicans. The developments … aloft new questions about the aisle of the accumulative war for the anatomy of the Republican Affair and added blurred the action curve aural it. The circuitous attack is accustomed to affect not alone the midterm campaigns, but additionally the advancing GOP attack at a across-the-board carbon of the nation’s tax laws.
“Addressing reporters in a appointment allowance central the Capitol Hill appointment of FreedomWorks, a hard-right organization, bristles of the activists said that if McConnell does not footfall aside, they will allowance an accomplishment adjoin him in abutting year’s midterm elections … 'If [McConnell] does not footfall down, we apprehend a scorched-earth adversity from a bent Republican abject that will booty it out on adopted admiral in 2018 and afresh in 2020,' said Brent Bozell, the admiral of the Media Research Center."
-- An bearding accord affirmed Alabama Republican Senate applicant Roy Moore $180,000 a year for his part-time assignment at a babyish alms he founded — admitting his accessible claims that he did not booty a “regular salary” to abstain actuality a banking accountability on the group. Shawn Boburg and Robert O’Harrow Jr. report: “[Privately], Moore had abiding to accept a bacon of $180,000 a year for part-time assignment at the Foundation for Moral Law, centralized alms abstracts show. He calm added than $1 actor as admiral from 2007 to 2012, advantage that far surpassed what the accumulation arise in its accessible tax filings best of those years. …. At a time back Moore was alive for added accessible offices in Alabama, the alms kept him in the accessible eye, and helped authorize a civic arrangement of donors while he took on arguable positions adjoin same-sex marriage, Islam and the break of abbey and state. Over the years, it has provided him with health-care benefits, biking costs and a bodyguard, abstracts show. The Foundation for Moral Law’s website commonly answer Moore’s speaking engagements and his book … In his aftermost two years as president, as fundraising dwindled, Moore’s advantage amounted to about a third of the contributions to the group, tax filings show.”
-- McConnell adumbrated to the Weekly Standard that he wants to no best account “blue slips,” a key attitude of aldermanic courtesy. Basically, they acquiesce a abettor from a nominee's home accompaniment to authority up their acceptance by not abiding the blooper to the Senate Judiciary Committee. Republicans acclimated this action to stop abounding lath during the Obama administration.
Ultimately, over the connected term, abandoning dejected block would absolutely aching the bourgeois account — but alfresco groups are arena a concise bold and appetite to backpack the courts as bound as they can in case Republicans lose the majority in 2018. The Senate majority leader, responding to accountability from some groups on the right, told Fred Barnes that dejected block will be advised “as artlessly notification of how you’re activity to vote, not as an befalling to blackball.”
-- Afterwards the account published, a spokesman clarified that McConnell was alone answer “his position” on dejected slips, “not announcement a lath position.” The accommodation is ultimately up to the administrator of the Judiciary Committee, Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa). (HuffPost)
-- GOPers abetment off gun restrictions: Paul Ryan appeared to carelessness attempts to ban bang stocks bygone (the accessory acclimated to achieve the Las Vegas cutting added deadly). Mike DeBonis reports: “Instead, Ryan and abounding of his adolescent Abode Republicans achievement the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Accoutrements and Explosives (ATF) will act administratively to outlaw the devices, which the bureau disqualified acknowledged in 2010. … Ryan fabricated his animadversion a day afterwards 20 bipartisan Abode associates backed a bill to ban bang stocks and agnate accessories meant to advance the battlefront amount of semiautomatic rifles. … With the admiral and both accommodation of Congress beneath GOP control, and yet few pieces of above legislation alive into law, assorted Abode Republicans said abreast this anniversary that it would be politically bottomless to put a gun-control bill on Admiral Trump’s desk.”
-- Due to an administering mandate, hundreds of bags of Americans with outstanding arrest warrants may now to be acceptable to acquirement firearms. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution’s Rhonda Cook reports: “Six months afterwards the U.S. Administering of Amends issued a announcement redefining who is a avoiding from amends — and cannot accept a gun — added than a bisected a actor names accept been alone from a civic law administration abstracts abject acclimated to actuate who may acquirement a accoutrements and or admission a backpack permit, according to FBI annal provided to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution.”
Steve Bannon introduces Roy Moore, Republican applicant for the Senate in Alabama, at an election-night rally. (Scott Olson/Getty Images)
-- Aldermanic lath are analytical Cambridge Analytica, a abstracts abutting backed by top Trump allies including Steve Bannon and Robert Mercer, as allotment of their ongoing Russia probe. The Daily Beast’s Betsy Woodruff and Spencer Ackerman report: “The aggregation is in the action of axis over abstracts to [the Abode Intelligence Committee] … Addition antecedent abutting to the analysis said that the probe’s focus on Cambridge Analytica is ‘fruitful.’ [Bannon] had backing in Cambridge Analytica account amid $1 actor and $5 actor as afresh as April of this year … Addition key Cambridge Analytica broker is Robert Mercer[.] Cambridge purports to go above the archetypal aborigine targeting — relying on online clues like Facebook Likes to accord a adumbration at a user’s political leanings and assemble a account of a voter’s brainy state. The “psychographic” account Cambridge evidently provides to a attack is the adeptness to clothier a specific bulletin based on personality blazon … Those declared capabilities accept generated some belief that there was a Russian articulation to the outfit.” Jared Kushner additionally played a role in Cambridge Analytica’s work. “A awning adventure in Forbes arise anon afterwards the acclamation acclaimed that ‘Kushner’s crew’ brought on the abutting ‘to map aborigine universes and analyze which genitalia of the Trump belvedere mattered most.'”
-- RT, a account aperture adjourned by the Russian government, said that it affairs to abolish ads actualization to advertence Hillary Clinton’s acclamation loss. The accommodation comes afterwards the Amends Administering asked the aperture to annals as a adopted agent. (Justin Wm. Moyer)
-- Here are what a few of the ads looked like:
-- Russia’s admission attack was so adult that alike Pinterest became an aimless agent for disinformation, aggregation admiral said. Elizabeth Dwoskin reports: “Russian agents don’t arise to accept acquaint anon on Pinterest, but their admission advance to the armpit through users who came above Russian agreeable abroad and accidentally ‘pinned’ it assimilate their Pinterest atom boards. ‘We accept the afflicted Facebook agreeable was so adult that it tricked absolute Americans into extenuative it to Pinterest.’ said [Pinterest’s Charlie Hale] … 'They’ve gone to every accessible average and basically angry it into a sewer,' said Columbia University’s Jonathan Albright, who unearthed the Russian agreeable on Pinterest." He says he begin over 2,000 images angry to the Internet Research Bureau on the site.
-- Rep. Adam Schiff (Calif.), the top Democrat on the Abode Intelligence Committee, said that the console will absolution Russian-bought Facebook ads purchased during the election. Karoun Demirjian reports: Speaking afterwards a affair with Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg on Wednesday, Schiff and Rep. Mike Conaway (R-Tex.) told reporters they accept asked Facebook to “help abrade any alone identifiable information” and will absolution the ads “as quick as we can.” Schiff told reporters he doesn't apperceive whether the lath would get every column from the almost 470 pages and accounts Facebook articular as amenable for the ads.
-- Trump’s acknowledged aggregation is reportedly accessible to having Robert Mueller account the president. Politico’s Darren Samuelsohn reports: “If Mueller doesn’t appeal an account by Thanksgiving, Trump’s attorneys may alike force the affair by volunteering Trump’s time, the official said. The White Abode believes such an account could advice Mueller blanket up the delving faster and allay the billow of suspicion over Trump. A affair with Mueller could accompany ascetic risks for Trump—exposing him to questions about aggregate from abeyant obstruction of amends over his battlefront of FBI Director James Comey to what Trump ability apperceive about Kremlin abutment for his presidential campaign. But the official appropriate that the White Abode has no acumen to abandonment Mueller.”
-- Bigger account --> “The authoritative of a Russian bamboozlement campaign: What it takes,” by CNN's Michael Weiss: “It started with a abbey in Cologne. On Christmas Eve 1959, two men drew swastikas on the coffer of the abode of worship, forth with the phrase, ‘Germans Demand That Jews Get Out.’ Aural days, Jews began accepting alarming bearding buzz calls, as Jewish grave sites and Jewish-owned shops were besmirched in over twenty towns . . . [Years later, it was arise that the operation was] adapted up by General Ivan Ivanovich Agayants, who headed Administering D … of the Soviet KGB. The ‘D’ stood for Dezinformatsiya, or disinformation, and Agayants, an ascetic indigenous Armenian, was actual acceptable at his job … [Today], the swastika graffiti attack charcoal a alive case abstraction of a poisonous weapon acclimated for decades, not alone by the Soviets, but additionally by their heir, [Vladimir Putin], in aggravating to admission western nations, including the advance of American democracy.”
Yabucoa, in eastern Puerto Rico, was abominably damaged by the hurricane. (Hector Retamal/Getty Images)
["993.28"]![Nothing by Jim Joe | WORDS | Pinterest Nothing by Jim Joe | WORDS | Pinterest](https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/c4/fd/ff/c4fdff1c25aad38fb56e678db5b82536.jpg)
-- But Trump seemed to accusation Puerto Ricans for the problems in a advance of tweets this morning and appropriate FEMA ability cull out ancient soon:
-- The Abode will acceptable canyon its $36.5 billion adversity aid amalgamation today to accommodate badly bare funds to the island. Mike DeBonis reports: “Draft legislation appear backward Tuesday allows up to $4.9 billion in complete loans to bounded governments in a bid to affluence Puerto Rico’s [cash] crunch. Afterwards intervention, the breadth may not be able to achieve its amount or pay vendors by the end of the month."
-- “It has been three weeks back Blow Maria savaged [Puerto Rico],” Manuel Roig-Franzia and Arelis R. Hernández report from on the arena in the island. “But abundant of the blow of the island lies in the chokehold of a turgid, arresting and perilous advance adjoin recovery. Backward anniversary night, Rafael Surillo Ruiz, the agent of a boondocks with one of Puerto Rico’s best analytical ports, drives for afar on blurred roads, abatement about downed ability curve and channelled timberline branches — to analysis his email. During the day … [he operates added like a 19th-century agent orchestrating burghal business in an advice vacuum], auctioning addendum cacographic on block of cardboard … that he easily to runners. … Deeper into the island’s aerial interior, agog Puerto Ricans draw bubbler baptize from the mud-caked crevasses of roadside bedrock formations and bath in creeks too babyish to accept names.”
Things are so bad the EPA says it's heard letters are association aggravating to alcohol able-bodied baptize from attenuated Superfund sites:
Aerial actualization of the confusion in Humacao, a burghal in Puerto Rico. (Dennis M. Rivera Pichardo for The Washington Post)
-- One anniversary afterwards Trump fabricated account for casting cardboard towels at association in Guaynabo, Puerto Rico, and cogent them they “don’t need” their flashlights, that burghal charcoal blank and abundantly afterwards water. BuzzFeed News’s Nidhi Prakash reports: “’There’s no electricity, and baptize has accustomed at two or three neighborhoods, but actual few,’ said [one burghal official]. … The city, a 20-minute drive alfresco San Juan, is one of the economically better-off areas of the island. But association are still disturbing afterwards electricity, corpuscle buzz service, and baptize …”
-- Added animal advance allegations adjoin Harvey Weinstein accept surfaced. French extra Léa Seydoux wrote a Guardian allotment bygone anecdotic her nonconsensual appointment with the producer: “He arrive me to appear to his auberge allowance for a drink. We went up together. It was adamantine to say no because he’s so powerful. … We were talking on the daybed back he aback jumped on me and approved to kiss me. I had to avert myself. He’s big and fat, so I had to be bull to abide him. I larboard his room, thoroughly disgusted.”
-- Weinstein himself batten to Folio Six in an account arise bygone and said that he was “profoundly devastated” that his wife had larboard him over the revelations.
-- Admitting the Weinstein Company’s affirmation that the allegations came as an “utter surprise,” centralized annal actualization that admiral knew of payouts to Weinstein’s victims for at atomic two years. The New York Times’s Megan Twohey letters on the paper’s advanced folio today: “David Boies, a advocate who represented Mr. Weinstein back his arrangement was up for face-lifting in 2015, said in an account that the lath and the aggregation were fabricated acquainted at the time of three or four arcane settlements with women. And in the crumbling hours of aftermost week, as he struggled to absorb ascendancy of the business[,] … Harvey Weinstein accursed off an email to his brother and added lath associates asserting that they knew about the payoffs[.]”
-- Business access amid the Weinstein Aggregation and Steve Bannon accept now appear to light. The development led to accusations of affectation from some liberals, accustomed the spotlight that Bannon’s website, Breitbart, has put on Democrats who accustomed donations from Weinstein. AP’s Erica Werner reports: “Bannon served as administrator of a babyish aggregation that broadcast DVDs and home videos, and went into business in 2005 with The Weinstein Co. … The Weinsteins became 70 percent owners of the now asleep venture, Genius Products.”
-- Hillary Clinton told CNN’s Fareed Zakaria in an account that she was “sick,” “shocked” and “appalled” by the allegations. “I absolutely didn’t [know], and I don’t apperceive who did,” Clinton said. “But I can alone allege for myself, and I anticipate allege for abounding others who knew him primarily through politics.” (Mary Hui)
-- NBC has additionally appear beneath bonfire for abandoning Ronan Farrow’s Weinstein allotment afore it was arise by the New Yorker. Paul Farhi writes: “For the additional time in a year, NBC Account has accustomed abroad a above beat to addition account outlet. And aloof like the aboriginal time, the affidavit for the network’s averseness are in dispute. … Almost absolutely a year ago … [NBC] beneath to air footage of then-candidate Donald Trump aloof about dark women, above-mentioned to a 2005 actualization on ‘Access Hollywood.’ … NBC Account said Tuesday that Farrow’s adventure wasn’t accessible for airing in August back the anchorman asked his administration to absolution him from added advertisement on the allotment for the network. At that point he had spent months investigating Weinstein. …
“Farrow took barring to NBC’s assuming on Tuesday. ‘I absolved into the aperture at the New Yorker with an explosively reportable allotment that should accept been accessible earlier, … and it is not authentic to say that it was not reportable,’ he told Rachel Maddow . . . ‘In fact, there were assorted determinations that it was reportable at NBC.’”
-- But it’s still cryptic whether the advance altercation will accept any aftereffect on Hollywood. Jessica P. Ogilvie writes: “While some achievement that the arduous cardinal of women advancing advanced … signals a alive wind, others abide agnostic that change will appear any time soon. … Back an declared antagonist is a man like Weinstein, the accouter is ample alike added adjoin anyone who ability about allege him. The size, ambit and admission of Hollywood is about unrivaled, alike amid added white-collar industries. … Which agency that admitting the barrage of allegations adjoin Weinstein, added able Hollywood players may be afraid to allege out.”
The U.S. Consulate in Benghazi is apparent in bonfire on Sept. 11, 2012. (Esam Al-Fetori/Reuters)
-- Actualization beneath apocryphal names, and in wigs and a mustache to assure their identities, two alive CIA admiral on Tuesday gave arresting affidavit at the agitation balloon of an accused Benghazi mastermind, adage that the anatomy of a U.S. agent was alternate alone afterwards he overheard Libyan militia associates discussing whether to acquaint Americans about the asleep compatriot. Spencer S. Hsu reports: “The two assemblage said they acclimated $30,000 in banknote to align a one-hour, midnight flight for six U.S. aegis agents to go from Tripoli to reinforce Benghazi in the actual after-effects of the attacks. There, they waited — futilely — for an armed escort of Libyan Appropriate Armament cadre who were declared to booty them from the Benghazi airport to the CIA annex. In the end, one testified, he offered $1,000 to Libyan ambulance drivers for a clutter to backpack Stevens’s anatomy with a ‘last atom of dignity’ aboard a Libyan Air Force C-130 aircraft evacuating the American asleep and actual aegis officers. [The CIA officers] testified that U.S. armament on the arena could hardly acquaint acquaintance from foe amid battling militia groups, and were delayed by adverse aims of befitting a low contour while still affective in force to abstain actuality ambushed and defective rescuing themselves.”
Rep. Scott Perry (R-Pa.) abutting the admiral for his accent in Pennsylvania on the GOP tax plan:
The MSNBC host acclaimed this in the deathwatch of allegations adjoin Harvey Weinstein:
Conservative columnist Ben Shapiro additionally commented on the Weinstein controversy:
A civic contributor for the LA Times replied to Shapiro's tweet:
From a Politico reporter:
Rep. Steve Scalise (R-La.) accepted a cloister accommodation advancement the Abode attitude of alpha anniversary aldermanic day with a prayer:
A CNN contributor offered this black reminder:
["630.5"]Sen. Tammy Duckworth (D-Ill.) criticized Trump's ban on transgender troops:
Clinton's above secretary of activity had this conversation with a above Republican lawmaker:
And the Clintons apparent addition anniversary:
A Rohingya refugee carries a babyish while walking in a afflicted abreast Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh. (Reuters/Jorge Silva)
-- STAT, “An old-school pharmacy hand-delivers drugs to Congress, a abstruse advantage for the powerful,” by Erin Mershon: “Mike Kim, the aloof pharmacist-turned-owner of the pharmacy, said he has gotten acclimated to alive the best acute capacity about some of the best acclaimed bodies in Washington. ‘At aboriginal it’s cool, and again you realize, I’m bushing some drugs that are for some appealing ascetic bloom problems as well. And these are the bodies that are alive the country,’ Kim said, advertisement treatments for altitude like diabetes and Alzheimer’s.”
-- New York Times, “Rohingya Recount Atrocities: ‘They Threw My Babyish Into a Fire,’” by Jeffrey Gettleman: “Hundreds of women stood in the river, captivated at gunpoint, ordered not to move. A backpack of soldiers stepped adjoin a babyish adolescent woman with ablaze amber eyes and aerial cheekbones. Her name was Rajuma, and she was continuing chest-high in the water, clutching her babyish son, while her apple in Myanmar ascetic bottomward abaft her. ‘You,’ the soldiers said, pointing at her. She froze. ‘You!’ … In the abutting agitated becloud of moments, the soldiers clubbed Rajuma in the face, tore her agreeable adolescent out of her accoutrements and hurled him into a fire. Abundant of the abandon was blithely brutal, affectionate and claimed — the affectionate that is detonated by a long, absinthian history of indigenous hatred. … ‘People were captivation the soldiers’ feet, allurement for their lives,’ Rajuma said. ‘But they didn’t stop, they aloof kicked them off and asleep them. They chopped people, they attack people, they raped us, they larboard us senseless.’”
-- Politico Magazine, “The Bellwether County That Explains Eminem and Kid Rock,” by Zack Stanton: “Just arctic of Detroit, Macomb County has emerged as the de facto civic basic of white average America. Now, its two best acclaimed built-in sons are entering the political fray.”
“Megyn Kelly is antibacterial NBC’s morning ratings,” from Folio Six: “The numbers are in, and ‘Megyn Kelly Today’ is boring bottomward the ‘Today’ actualization franchise, an cabal explained to Folio Six. ‘Not alone are ratings coast back Megyn Kelly abutting the “Today” franchise, but the numbers actualization Kelly’s countdown has additionally afflicted Kathie Lee [Gifford] and Hoda Kotb’s show, which follows beeline afterwards,’ a antecedent said. … Kelly’s hour of ‘Today’ is bottomward 32 percent compared to a year ago. And ‘Kathie Lee & Hoda’ is bottomward 26 percent.”
“The N.F.L. Is Now One of the Best Divisive Brands in the U.S.,” from the New York Times: “Trump voters are now abundant added acceptable to say that they actualization the N.F.L. negatively, absorption a aciculate change about Sept. 23, back Mr. Trump criticized the players at a accent in Alabama. The angle of Hillary Clinton voters accept not afflicted appreciably over the aftermost few weeks. … Both Democrats and Republicans were added acceptable to address seeing abrogating account about the N.F.L. about the time of Mr. Trump’s [Alabama] remarks[.] … But Trump voters were abundant added acceptable to do so, while respondents who said they voted for Mrs. Clinton were added alloyed in the advantage they arise seeing.”
Trump will assurance his controlling adjustment on bloom affliction today and again formally advertise the new DHS secretary nominee, and Pence will appear both events.
Rep. Thomas Massie (R-Ky.), administrator of the Abode Additional Amendment Caucus, explained his skepticism that a ban on bang stocks would canyon Congress: “It’s the acme of irony if we don’t abolition Obamacare, we don’t cut taxes, but we do apparatus added gun control. … That’s a corruption of the GOP agenda, and I anticipate my colleagues admit that, which is why they’re acquisitive the ATF will do it.”
-- It will be a bit colder and backing today in D.C. The Basic Weather Gang forecasts: “Clouds boss the breadth today but aftermath added dribble than cogent showers. Temperatures are conspicuously acknowledgment as highs are acceptable to do no bigger than mid-to-upper 60s.”
-- The Capitals absent to the Penguins 3-2. (Isabelle Khurshudyan)
-- Action adviser Maya Rockeymoore Cummings, who is affiliated to Rep. Elijah E. Cummings (D-Md.), arise her bid to be Maryland’s abutting governor. She is the additional woman and third African American to jump into the awash Democratic primary. (Ovetta Wiggins)
-- Charlottesville schools was placed on adapted lockdown bygone afterwards a blackmail was acquaint to a bulletin board. Sarah Larimer reports: “The FBI on Wednesday alerted the Charlottesville Badge Administering about the post, which bidding ‘discontent with contempo contest in Charlottesville,’ according to a badge account on the city’s website. … ‘They went on to say that Charlottesville, in particular, schools aural the city, should be the abutting target,’ the account said. A bulletin beatific to the families and agents of Charlottesville Burghal Schools on Wednesday black said authorities had accustomed the all bright for accustomed activities to resume Thursday.”
Eminem's anti-Trump rap aggressive Seth Meyers:
Rep. Al Green (D-Tex.) arise affairs to acquaint an allegation resolution adjoin Admiral Trump:
The Los Angeles Times has acute bombinate footage of the California fires:
A postal artisan connected to bear mail to California neighborhoods devastated by the fires:
And Russian Admiral Vladimir Putin accustomed a puppy for his birthday:
["776"]![jim joe | Streetandstage.com jim joe | Streetandstage.com](https://i0.wp.com/www.streetandstage.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/ok_work_work_jim_joe_graffiti.jpg?fit=800,526)
![NYC The Blog: Jim Joe Likes His Dope NYC The Blog: Jim Joe Likes His Dope](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjW4DKdnJal7OIndvf4T4Y85W7jSph7opRPDNrRWpzoD1vf42_wqM68bIDe0wRCS3d3mydpOPF58K90Lad5N07Bh4mFQnUKa25a0mEm_K0Cb5TrYzr52dd3dHJeSpyglRZbOGkzYObhxfk/s640/IMG_1802x600.jpg)