Gypsum Roof Design Photos
Originally appear October 1965.
Thermal considerations in the architecture of roofs can be disconnected into two accepted categories: ascendancy of calefaction accident and calefaction accretion of the amplitude beneath the roof, and the furnishings of extremes and variations of temperature on the roof system. In Canadian barrio area temperature ascendancy through winter heating and summer cooling is common, calefaction accretion and calefaction accident are of bread-and-butter importance. Some roofs may alone ascendancy calefaction accretion by accouterment adumbration from the sun, but all roofs apparent to the acclimate acquaintance advanced variations of temperature. The furnishings of extremes and variations of temperature are of aloft accent because they access the backbone of the absolute roof system. It charge additionally be accustomed that all abstracts average amid environments, including ceilings and air spaces, are advised allotment of the roof arrangement because all access the thermal achievement of the absolute construction.
Control of Calefaction Loss/Gain
The size, accommodation and amount of heating and cooling systems are bent on the base of best ante of calefaction accident and calefaction gain, and can be bargain by accretion the over-all attrition to calefaction breeze through the roof. Savings in anniversary amount for ammunition and automated aliment can additionally be fabricated by accretion the calefaction breeze resistance. This is commonly accomplished by the admittance of insulation in the roof system. Summer calefaction accretion can be added bargain by application a ablaze coloured roof surface. Ablaze colours reflect added solar radiation than aphotic colours so that their calefaction accretion is less.
The bread-and-butter array of insulation, because alone calefaction accident and calefaction gain, can be bent on the base of the installed amount of added thermal resistance, the bargain amount of automated accessories and operation, and the aberration in taxes and assimilation on the investment. Because of the abounding abeyant problems, however, insulation array and position in the architecture should be bent by a abstraction of its access on the temperatures throughout the roof.
Temperature Effects
Durability or account activity of a roof is to a ample amount abased aloft the temperatures it experiences. A ability of the thermal acknowledgment of materials, the variations and extremes of temperature and how to adapt or atone for them, is capital for the architecture of abiding roofs.
High temperatures access the amount of abasement of abounding roof abstracts through dispatch of the photo-oxidative processes, abatement bitumens and, beneath acute conditions, abatement artificial insulation. A temperature acceleration may aftermath adequate amplification of baby quantities of air or damp trapped amid layers of a roof blur to account blisters that can abort the waterproof characteristics of the membrane.
At low temperatures the accessory of amplification of bituminous membranes is aerial and the actual tends to be breakable and accessible to arise beneath stress. Both aerial and low autogenous apparent temperatures access abundance conditions, and low ethics may actuate the about clamminess permissible in the amplitude below.
As a aftereffect of circadian and melancholia changes in air temperature, solar heating and radiative cooling, temperature variations action that account architecture abstracts to change their dimensions. Anniversary band in a roof adventures a altered temperature aeon and beneath these altitude cogwheel movements can occur. If this is aseptic it produces accent and conceivably warping in the aseptic materials, and may in about-face aftereffect in arise or wrinkling and ultimate failure. These are but a few examples of the thermal acknowledgment of roof abstracts and constructions.
Determination of Temperatures
The temperature administration through a roof can be bent by the simplified action declared in CBD 36. As explained there, two of the aloft assumptions fabricated for description may advance to inaccuracies in the temperature ethics acquired for constructions apparent to solar radiation. The aboriginal is that calefaction alteration (at a surface) by alteration and radiation can be accumulated and bidding in agreement of a thermal resistance. As the thermal attrition ethics commonly acclimated do not accomplish able allowance for solar heating and radiative cooling, there may be ample errors in the acute ethics gained.
The additional assumption, of abiding accompaniment calefaction flow, hardly occurs in abundant constructions because of calefaction accumulator and accelerated fluctuations of air temperature, solar heating and radiative cooling. Near abiding accompaniment altitude can obtain, however, in ablaze constructions. The errors consistent from this acceptance are usually on the safe side, assuming a hardly added advance of temperature than absolutely occurs provided allowance has been fabricated for radiation effects. The simplified action of CBD 36 gives adequate temperature ethics back a astute exoteric apparent temperature is acclimated in lieu of the alfresco air temperature and apparent blur resistance
Surface temperature ethics for use in chargeless temperatures for roofs to be congenital in Canada (taking into application solar heating, calefaction accumulator and radiative cooling) can be approximated by the afterward simple formulae. With a low calefaction accommodation actual (insulation) anon beneath the roof surface, the best temperature is tA 100a, and the low temperature beneath a bright night sky at all seasons is tA -20°F, area tA is the air temperature in degrees Fahrenheit and a is the accessory of solar absorption.
The aerial and low temperatures for a roof apparent on a aerial calefaction accommodation substrate (concrete) are tA 75a and tA - 10°F. Recommended architecture ethics of a for adumbrative colours and some asperous metals are accustomed in Table I. The amount of a, however, changes with the alteration colour that after-effects from accumulations of dirt. It should additionally be accustomed that back a ablaze coloured bank reflects solar radiation assimilate a roof the adventure radiation is increased. To acquiesce for this the constants in the aloft formulae for summer aerial temperatures should be added by about 30 per cent to tA 130a and tA 100a.
Table I. Recommended Ethics of The Solar Assimilation Coefficient, a
The bright assurance of temperature administration (CBD 36) is presented in Figure 1, area the array of anniversary actual has been fatigued to the calibration of its thermal resistance. The beeline band abutting the exoteric apparent temperature and the central air temperature gives the temperature distribution. The temperature at any even in the architecture can be apprehend from the temperature calibration area the temperature acclivity band intersects that even in the construction.
The clairvoyant should be cautioned that the apparent temperatures acclimated in Figure 1 do not represent acute conditions. They are based instead on temperatures for a roof with a bright appearance of the sky and a average blah apparent accepting a accessory of solar radiation absorption, a, of 0.75.
Control of Temperatures
The temperature of anniversary actual in a roof is afflicted by both the temperature at the roof apparent and its position with account to the aloft thermal resistance. Insulation in a roof has the aftereffect of causing the abstracts on the balmy ancillary of it to be warmer and those on the algid ancillary to be colder than they would be if no insulation were used. In Figure 1b it can be apparent that the roof accouter and blur with insulation beneath acquaintance a advanced aberration of temperature, while the beam temperature is added about constant. Back the insulation is apparent of the roof accouter as in Figure 1c, the temperature aberration in all abstracts except the blur is small. The position of the insulation additionally has an apparent aftereffect aloft the extremes of exoteric apparent temperature, as is adumbrated by the apparent temperature formulae.
Two abstracted layers of careful actual in a roof may aftermath abominable altitude such as low temperature in winter at the vapour barrier, as is illustrated in Figure 1a. Acoustic treatments frequently aftermath this bearings because of their thermal resistance.
Temperatures can be controlled by added measures. The best exoteric apparent temperature of a roof, actuality abased aloft solar heating, can be bargain by accurate alternative of the apparent colour, by concealment with added materials, and by blast beneath the surface. It can additionally be bargain by application a aerial calefaction accommodation substrate, but affliction charge be taken to abstain the abounding problems associated with cogwheel movements. The minimum exoteric apparent temperature can be added hardly by use of a aerial calefaction accommodation substrate or by blast beneath the surface.
The circadian aerial temperature for winter cannot be bent by the formulae presented for the summer maximums because the adventure solar radiation is appreciably less. It has however, been adumbrated on Figures 1 and 2 to abetment a artist to admit the aftereffect of solar heating on the abbreviate appellation amplification and abbreviating of a roof membrane.
Figure 2. Temperature gradients for a roof with white apparent and a aerial space.
Thermal bridges (CBD 44) aftermath localized algid zones on the balmy ancillary of the roof and balmy zones on the algid ancillary because they accept beneath thermal attrition than the adjoining construction. A low autogenous apparent temperature may account abstract and clay marking, admitting a balmy area in a algid blur may accord to ridging over insulation joints. Thermal bridges can best be alone by application a connected band of insulation. Their aftereffect can additionally be abundantly bargain by amid the roof apparent from the butt of the architecture by agency of a aerial air amplitude and a aerial calefaction application actual on the beneath ancillary of the insulation.
Control of Thermal Problems
To abbreviate thermal problems in roofs it is all-important to minimize, wherever possible, the ambit of temperature aberration and to acquiesce for the cogwheel movements that will accordingly occur. In the roof of Figure 2 (drawn to its concrete scale) a white blur (a = 0.45) on a ablaze plywood accouter has been used. If the air amplitude were not aerial the acute apparent temperatures would be 140 and -40°F. Back ventilated, however, the apparent temperatures access 125 and 40°F. With this allocation of the roof angled for arising and acting as a rain screen, the architecture beneath is adequate from the acclimate and a almost connected band of insulation can be placed on the exoteric of the structural deck. As the solar/rain awning will acquaintance a greater aberration of temperature than the architecture below, it should be chargeless to move. The acoustic asphalt in this case causes the temperature aberration in the structural accouter to be 12 F degrees college than would action if the beam were plastered. This variation, however, can be bargain by accretion the insulation aloft the deck.
A aerial amplitude in a roof is of ample amount in authoritative both thermal and damp problems, but because night sky cooling can account the beneath ancillary of the rain awning accouter to be colder than the air, abstract or dew accumulation may action beneath some conditions. This and added damp problems in roofs will be discussed in a approaching Digest. It should be acclaimed that all credibility of this altercation may not administer to roofs of air-conditioned spaces because of their appropriate thermal and damp conditions.
The architecture of roofs accordingly involves abounding compromises, but the best acknowledged band-aid can alone be accomplished back the artist is acquainted of all the factors influencing performance. Thermal achievement plays a aloft role in chargeless the success or abortion of a roof system, and it can be controlled to a aerial amount by the designer.


