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Noon is abreast on the beach and Brendon Rodney, the fastest Blackbird in Brooklyn, ambles accomplished bleachers to his off-campus workspace. It is the beat elastic active clue at Red Hook Park, set amid Bay St. and the Henry St. Basin, bottomward by an alone atom terminal. There are eight lanes, and Rodney, a acclaimed sprinter for Continued Island University’s clue team, carries a metal starting block in his larboard hand. There are braces on his teeth, bristles hairs on his button and two gold chains about his neck. He eyes awkward grass by the attempt put toe lath in a bend of soccer acreage No. 3, a apparent that doubles as the infield. The breadth is bankrupt off with a atramentous 10-foot chain-link fence forth the track’s abutting loop. A white assurance warns that contaminants are actuality removed as allotment of the Environmental Protection Agency’s efforts to apple-pie up advance that traces aback to aback the Columbia Smelting and Refining Works ability stood beyond Bay St. The clue stays accessible and Lane 6 is bright as Rodney commences a acceleration ability workout.
“Sorry I didn’t get a adventitious to cut the grass today,” he says.
Rodney, 24, maintains that he pays no apperception to the advance as he mines for gold. He is an All-American from Ontario, beginning off a third-place accomplishment in the 200 meters at the NCAA’s alfresco civic championships in Oregon aftermost month, and training for a top-three accomplishment in the Canadian Olympic trials in Edmonton afterwards this week. His alley to the summer’s Olympic Games in Rio traces through advance from Brooklyn to Beijing as he boasts a college-best time in the calm 200 meters (20.46). He trains below LIU drillmaster Simon Hodnett, a Pisces from Virginia Beach consistently gluttonous to be in accompany with his runners’ psyches. Hodnett holds a atramentous awning in his larboard duke and a craven alarm in his right. He active a drifting affairs that has operated afterwards its own clue in his 18-year administration and harps on balance, exhorting Rodney to use both accoutrements in adjustment to acclimatize a addiction to run with one ancillary of his body. Hodnett gauges Rodney’s fettle and goads him to go faster. He commands Rodney, a 6-3, 175-pound cord bean who hates vegetables, to abide as alpine and arrect as accessible with anchored amount muscles. Rodney focuses on attached missteps in stride. He insists neither advance nor Zika can accumulate him from the accomplishment ambit in the distance.
“I’m not worried,” he says. “Other bodies are added afraid about them for me. I’ll aloof put on some bug repellant. It’s aloof mosquitoes there. I’m acclimated to them.”
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Mettle tests abound as he curves about bound aeroembolism and darts bottomward lined straightaways. He is able for the Olympics afterwards dipping below the “A” accepted for the 200 meters in 20.18 seconds, and drive builds as he pursues Usain Bolt of Jamaica. Having run a beating third leg for Canada’s 4x100-meter broadcast aggregation that took brownish at the 2015 Apple Championships in Beijing, Rodney, a adept accustomed with the broadcast barter process, charcoal in advice with his civic aggregation runners while training in New York. He additionally receives advance from a adolescent Canadian with agnate Jamaican roots. The supporter’s name is Ben Johnson, and he is banned for activity from clue and acreage for testing absolute for steroids afterwards acceptable gold in the 100 meters at the 1988 Seoul Olympics and afresh testing bedraggled a additional time. He hails from the aforementioned allotment of Jamaica as Rodney’s father, Basil. Rodney addendum that Johnson’s sister, Claire, lived with Rodney’s ancestors and he alleged her “Lady.”
“(Ben Johnson) alleged me aftermost night,’ Rodney says. “He’s like a abutting ancestors friend. He’s cool. He tells me to breach abroad from the things he did, not to accomplish the mistakes he made. I’ll see him at the clue and I’ll say, ‘You apperceive I am activity to chase faster than you one of these days.’ He’s like, ‘Yeah, you will, aback you assignment hard.’ ”
Rodney’s runs are over for the day. He block off fleet spikes, stretches a little and readies to arch aback to LIU’s argent Windstar van that he rides in with training ally forth Court St. to and from campus anniversary day. The aback window is emblazoned “DESTINATION LIU” in craven lettering. He capacity cream rolls for therapy, an acupuncturist’s assignment on his Achilles and summer heats that lay ahead.
“Sometimes the best advance aren’t the ones you appetite to alternation on,” he says. “Sometimes the older, softer, beat-up advance are bigger for a anatomy in the continued run.”
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“Brendon eats like crap,” Hodnett says as he eyes his sprinter during addition hour-long conditioning in Red Hook. He lists Rodney’s aliment allergies, alignment from basics to seafood to mollusk and adds that Rodney rarely eats bake-apple added than oranges and pineapples. Rodney confesses to a aeon aback he drank soda with every meal aloft aboriginal advancing to campus, and relates a adolescence acknowledgment to basics that concluded with him in anaphylactic shock. Hodnett counsels Rodney to breach on top of his supplements in adjustment to ensure activity sources above-mentioned to performances. “If he could, he would eat a craven sandwich at McDonald’s every day. That’s what his anatomy takes to. I’m afraid if I alpha weaning him off of it, I don’t apperceive how it would affect him psychologically.”
No amount the diet, Rodney darts already the starting gun goes off, but he smiles aback discussing the apocryphal starts he accomplished in the recruiting process. He was added anxious with the accessories than the aliment on his visit. He did not booty to the “dungeon” — the weight allowance in the basement of the old Paramount Theatre area the Blackbirds lift — or the soft-surface calm clue at the Pratt Institute, area the Blackbirds army to run for the calm division during the winter. No matter. Brian Richards, addition LIU Canadian, affiliated Rodney and Hodnett, who saw affiance and believed that he could alternation Rodney’s absorption on what was accessible at LIU.
“I’ve consistently admired alpine athletes,” Hodnett says. “I adopt 6-1 or taller. I googled Brendon’s name and I was like, ‘Holy crap, if I anytime get this guy, I’m gonna do amazing actuality with him.’ He’s huge! He’s small! That’s what I attending for in a sprinter!”
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Rodney alternate interest, but accepted ambiguous in recruiting. He bootless to book his academy appliance or accelerate his transcript, instead electing to appear aerial academy for a fifth year in Brampton, Ontario, area he aboriginal competed in the aerial jump afore transitioning to runs on a alluvium home track. Hodnett, like best American academy coaches, concluded his pursuit, and Rodney eventually enrolled at Sheridan Academy in Canada. He arranged all his classes into two canicule per week, and formed as a agent on the neurology attic at Toronto Western Hospital, area his mother, Nerissa, served as a assistant manager, the blow of the week. He still accomplished often, and Richards happened aloft Rodney aback home over Christmas break. Richards relayed chat to Hodnett that Rodney was still afterwards an American school. Hodnett grew absorbed again. Rodney visited LIU, but he was unimpressed. He capital to alternation with the added absorbing accessories of beyond programs. Hodnett alleged again. They talked via the buzz from 9 p.m. until accomplished midnight, and Rodney, austere about track, watched alive streams from the London Olympics while administering patients to hospital rooms. He advised how elites bankrupt out of starting blocks.
“Every time my mom absolved by, she was like, ‘Get off the phone,’” he says. “There was times I would go to the bath aloof to watch the events. I knew I shouldn’t but I didn’t absolutely care.”
Hodnett’s aftermost buzz alarm with Rodney included an ultimatum. It was the aftermost chat they were to accept if Rodney did not accelerate his paperwork the abutting day. Rodney reacted with ability this time, and they were off. Still, assignment bare to be done. In his aboriginal calm chase that apprentice winter, Hodnett entered Rodney and three added short-distance sprinters into a 4x400-meter broadcast race. The batons landed in Blackbird easily on anniversary leg, but Rodney accepted to be a poor pacer aback it came time to acclimatize his apparatus for a best race. Hodnett empiric trackside.
“Brendon ran the aboriginal allocation like it was a 100,” Hodnett says. “He came home like a steeplechaser. It wasn’t beautiful at all. Everyone in the ability was like, ‘Wow.’ He told me he never capital run that again.”
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Comfort came at distances that ranged from 100-400 meters over time. He steadied his stride, straightened his aspect and acquaint acceptable marks up and bottomward the Atlantic coast. In March, he ailing with his final Northeast Conference run on Staten Island aback he acquaint a 20.46 time in the 200-meter indoors. He punched the air at the end of his birr aback he accustomed that the access was the best in the apple for the additional beeline meet. Growing into his active qualities, he appeared destined to abode at nationals, but his absorption angry off from the clue aback his sister abreast him that their mother had suffered a academician aneurysm. Nerissa ahead told him that she was adversity headaches and could not advertise snow aback home due to the pain. He boarded a alike for Toronto from the team’s bounce breach training in Myrtle Beach, S.C., ambiguous of whether he would be aback for nationals in the afterward days. His mother was to abide surgery, but asked him repeatedly, “Are you activity to go aback to run?” He waited for her to go in for surgery, comforted her and hopped a alike aback bottomward south to run in Birmingham, Ala. He placed fourth, a abruptness to those who did not apperceive his cyclone travel.
“Such is life,” he says. “When I went back, my mother could almost airing and allocution or augment herself. It’s affectionate of like what she acclimated to do for me, I had to do for her. It showed that you can’t booty things for granted.”
Rodney afterwards acquaint a new claimed best in the 400 meters at Florida Relays (45.96) in the spring, and alternate home aftermost weekend to analysis in on his convalescent mother. She is improving, he says, and addendum that she is added adaptable than a above-mentioned cruise home. His classes are done for the year, and his ancestry is over, abounding with a master’s amount in exercise science. For now, Hodnett focuses on Rodney’s diet as they seek to prime him en avenue to Rio. Rodney asserts that he acclimated to eat fruits as a adolescence — oranges and pineapples — because of his parents’ Caribbean roots, and that he alloyed eggs with appearance on a contempo morning. Hodnett finds it adamantine to believe.
“How abundant spinach?” he says.
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“Like a handful,” Rodney says.
“You’re accepting better,” Hodnett says. “I still can’t accept rice is a vegetable to you. And you admiration why you don’t accept an activity supply.”
“The sky talked to me this morning and told me it wasn’t activity to be this hot,” Holdnett says as he performs pigeon accomplish to admeasurement the ambit amid his collapsible hurdles and lay bottomward white band beyond clue lanes for markers.
It is 80 degrees in the shade. A adamantine sun hangs overhead. Hodnett recounts his third division as coach, afore his affairs bankrupt through. It was 2001. There were assorted associates of the aggregation enrolled in nursing and anatomic analysis courses that appropriate them to run their conditioning at the Red Hook clue at 6 p.m., alike in winter. Hodnett collection a university van up to the bend of the clue anniversary night and flashed on headlights. Beams attempt beyond the acreage as Hodnett shouted orders. The alone time that he could see two women sprinters was aback they came in light. Police cruisers acclimated to cull up to adviser and accomplish abiding they ran unchallenged.
“You should accept acclimated afterglow sticks,” Richards says.
There is no charge for such adeptness today. Rodney is accessible for addition 120-meter convenance run, aloof as Mica-Jonathan Petit-Homme, an LIU hurdler from Haiti who additionally took home All-America ceremoniousness from the NCAA at the alfresco championships, finishes his workout. Hodnett stands below a timberline at the accomplishment line, and Rodney after-effects his duke to get his attention. Hodnett acknowledges him.
“I see you!” he says.
Rodney circuit off the ambit and comes charging bottomward the backstretch. His amateur are relaxed, his strides strong. Hodnett takes the admeasurement of Rodney.
“Brendon’s a aphotic horse,” he says. “His addiction is to get in a championship accommodated and try to do article amazing rather than relaxed. He has abundant strength. It’s aloof applying the strength. He wants to get out advanced and beef his way through the rest. It’s about actuality relaxed. Aback you advance harder, you annoy quicker.”
Rodney exhausts himself. He holds his easily on his achievement and makes his way to the clue apparent for a seat. There is added acceleration advancing abaft him. A Red Hook citizen on a motorbike claims the abutting active lane, beginning assimilate the red clue as Rodney and Hodnett attending on. Police sirens complete off in the distance. A Mr. Softee barter plays its jingle. Hodnett all-overs his arch at the bounded antagonism they face.
“Baby strollers, bikes, roller blades,” he says. “This is activity for us.”



