name angel in graffiti
Note: Joseph Alexander has anesthetized abroad aback the advertisement of this article.
THE east Trinidad villages amid Manzanilla and Mayaro had as abounding douens, lagahoos and socouyants as there were undead people. At atomic that's the adventure told by the elders, which abounding the apperception of Joseph Alexander as a adolescent growing up in Plum Mitan in the 1930s and 40s.
There were so abounding “jumbies” amphibian about at night, they told him, that people accustomed the abounding moon night ablaze in those canicule afore electricity, a lesser adventitious of actuality sucked, bedevilled or led astray.
Many were additionally abashed of authoritative the alley cruise to Sangre Grande, not adventuresome to even attending as they hustled accomplished the admirable but anxiety acreage abode at Johnson Acropolis in the apple of Comparo, Manzanilla, aback it was the reputed source of abnormal events, and abstruse occupants hidden by the hedgerow, who could “turn beast”, literally.
Alexander never believed a chat of it. He said he did his own paranormal research, cycling from cinema at 1 a.m. and casual the abode afterwards so much as a garlic abysm in his pocket, acquisitive to see the apparition horse. Or blockage his girl backward at night abreast the old quarry in forested Biche, abutting breadth the evilMano Benjamin would afterwards accomplish his crimes, and breadth affluence lagahoos were said to inhabit.
“Not already did I see a candle fly bigger than a candle fly. Not a distinct thing. And I anticipate I activity to die never seeing a thing,” Alexander said rather dejectedly during an account with the Express aftermost week. Unsurprisingly, Alexander would abound up to become a assured stick fighter
(with the Sangre Grande gayelle), activity by the name Silver Fox and travelling the country putting licks on others, with two burst fingers and one “buss head” amid his war injuries.
So when, 33 years ago, Alexander was offered the job of actuality the babysitter by the buyer of that aforementioned chilling acreage on which the Abundant Abode and its many empty barrio were located, he took it admitting accompany admonishing that he would be hounded out the abode by concealed things.
Alexander, 79, is still there, accepting aloft a ancestors in one of those buildings once active by the overseer, managing what was about 300 acreage of amber on the Santa Maria Estate.
What Alexander does not apperceive is that the abode he has arise to animate in for the past 30 years, has a history aerobatics aback added than 200 years.
The plantations on the breadth date to the time of the Cedula of Population in the final years of the 18th century, aback afresh Spanish-owned Trinidad accepted free land to French royalists advancing from added islands, who developed their holdings through African enslavement and afterwards Indian indentureship. The Manzanilla accepted today by best is that all-encompassing attic acreage hugging the bank amid Point Radix (near Ortoire Village) and Manzanilla Point, where the alley turns civil abreast breadth the coconuts aboriginal took basis forth the coast aback they done ashore, from an 18th aeon schooner bones offshore.
However, the amber boom, which began in 1870 (high prices and acreage diplomacy ameliorate allowing baby farmers to prosper), led to the actualization of a allotment of Manzanilla which few nowThis was the amber commune which continued from Sangre Grande, a boondocks that practically did not abide afore 1898, until the Trinidad Government Railways (TGR) continued a band to the asleep apple of Cunapo in adjustment to tap into the growing cardinal of amber planters in the district.
Before that, Manzanilla had to await on the coastal steamer calling already a anniversary to accept produce, and to bear goods, passengers and mail. The amber commune of Manzanilla was a admixture of white creole planters like the Ganteaumes, O'Connors and Knaggs families, but moreso coloured proprietors and abundant aloft Attached indians who had acclimated their bristles pounds in lieu of a acknowledgment access to India (and the end of their indentureship period) to buy forest acreage at one batter per acre, which was austere and buried in cocoa.
The acreage on which "Silver Fox" Alexander hopes to die belonged to George Johnson (also accepted as George Boodoo) and Ma Johnson, who commissioned the buildings that still angle today, including the Abundant House, at what came to be called Johnson Hill.
The heyday of the Johnson abode would accept been up to 1920 aback the amount of cocoa burst internationally and abounding estates were beggared for cash. Those which were mortgaged went broke and those who retained their backing (as did the Johnsons) were affected to abbreviate dramatically, to the point breadth they were almost operating.
Another draft came in 1941 aback the Bases Agreement was active and construction of massive Fort Read at Cumuto and the Wallerfield Aerodrome began in preparation for World War II. The Americans were advantageous $20 a anniversary in a time when that was a acceptable account allowance for an acreage labourer.
What little remained of the amber workforce flocked to assignment for the Yankee dollar, proving to be the afterlife bell of the estates in Manzanilla.
However, the Johnson's acreage would bending on, until the aftermost actual affiliate of the association died in the 1980s, afterwards a absolute heir.
Who were the Johnsons? What has become of their acreage account tens of millions of dollars? How did they arise to be admired as awful peculiar? And what became of the things they accumulated over the advance of their lives?
THERE are two cemeteries three kilometres afar in a abandoned allotment of Upper Manzanilla that outsiders would acquisition it difficult to locate.
The burying breadth date from a time aback the area's advantageous amber industry absorbed migrants attractive for assignment and who concluded up staying, to animate and die on the east bank of Trinidad.
The plots are smothered best of the year by a coil of accouterment that canton board workers accomplish an added accomplishment to defeat anniversary November, to acknowledge the grave markers in time for ancestors to appointment their ancestors on All Saints Day.
The graves are simple, abounding unmarked, some with crosses, others with abandoned a name and date of death. Rising aloft them all is a catacomb anchor the burying alcove of a man, the abandoned such busy tomb at either the Cedar Acropolis Road, or North Manzanilla Alley accessible cemeteries.
Beat aback the bush, cull accessible the animate doors, and you acquisition a air-conditioned tiled interior, abandoned except for graffiti, and a cantankerous address the inscription Sacred To The Anamnesis Of Our Dear Father, Geo Johnson, died 23rd April 1931. Aged 71 Years. But this tomb is visited by no family.
According to those who accept researched it, this is the grave of aloft Indian attached labourer George Johnson, additionally accepted as George Boodhoo, who a aeon ago would become the best important man in the apple of Comparo, with his 300 acreage of amber buried on the Santa Rita Estate, and a abundant abode congenital into the hillside abreast the armpit of the abreast Manzanilla Secondary School.
Johnson, said to accept already been a Hindu auger and mystic, chose to acquirement acreage instead of the acknowledgment cruise to India, diplomacy backwoods acreage at a batter an acre, and clearing in an breadth that had a mix of white creole planters, coloured proprietors and added aloft attached immigrants.
Johnson would afford three accouchement with his wife, who had some Amerindian claret and was believed to accept arise from Venezuela. The accouchement were sons George Emerson Johnson and Albert Alfred “Popo” Johnson, and babe Behemia “Maraquita” Johnson.
The ancestors additionally had a half-brother, Errol Charles, who was built-in of a accord amid George Johnson and the ancestors maid, Emily Alexander, in that abode which still stands alongside the adjoining overseer's house, and a architecture breadth the horses and stableman lived.
That these barrio survived a aeon is attestation to the affection of the copse and workmanship. However, all that charcoal of the cocoa-drying houses are the accurate posts, and the addle beams of the billet that housed the workers which can still be begin in the abandoned acreage surrounding the houses. But during the acme of “King Cocoa”, hundreds would accept formed to plant, tend, harvest, transport, dance, dry, and bag the beans afore they were taken by barrow to the bay for loading on to the littoral steamer at a time aback Trinidad was the world's third-largest producer.
Lording over it all was acreage buyer Johnson, so affluent that his appellation was “Money”, who had the aboriginal horse and buggy and, later, the aboriginal car in the village.
From the belief anesthetized bottomward by the elders, Johnson was advised by some as algid and unsympathetic, with one aloft Comparo Apple citizen (now in his 50s) recollecting a adventure told by his grandfather, a adherent Christian, who absent his amber crop to the Witch Broom disease, and who went in the backward 1920s to the abundant abode of old man Johnson gluttonous employment. Johnson took one attending at the man, angry him away, and told him to never set bottom on his property, because he had no application for such people.
Lennox Roberts, 90, a lifetime citizen of Manzanilla North Road, recalled animate the plantations (“when big man animate for beneath than two bobs (25 cents) a day”) abreast the Johnson acreage and of his appointment with Ma Johnson (short for madam). He remembered as a adolescent actuality encouraged to abduct pawpaw on the Johnson acreage and bent by workers who took him to the “Big House” with its wallpaper-covered cedar walls, paintings, and “expensive-looking” furniture, and into a allowance no alien saw.
“They agitated me to Ma Johnson. How I was abashed and cried and cried. I anticipation it was the end. I never came abutting to this abode before. She hit me some belt, and the abutting day she came to my academy (Comparo Government, which no best exists) and told the arch master, Mr Granderson.
“I get two set of licks,” said Roberts.
Roberts, who apprenticed as a artisan in the then-tiny apple of Sangre Grande as a 15-year-old, additionally recalled marvelling at the cars the Johnsons would own over the years, the aftermost one actuality a British-manufactured Vauxhall Velox LIP.
But for affidavit absent to time, none of the Johnson accouchement had accouchement of their own, growing old in that old abode congenital in an aberrant style, afterwards the ample wrap-around verandah of the time, abacus to the abstruseness and the tales told about those affective about abaft the barrier and board louvres.
Behemia Johnson would end up actuality the aftermost Johnson to die, on August 12, 1983. She, too, for several years lived as a basic anchoress in that home, befitting aggregation with abandoned a few. The bodies of Manzanilla knew her by that name, Maraquita and it's one you should remember.
You couldn't cut some grass for your dupe above the alley from the house, for she would arise and run you off, they said.
Try burglary a fruit, and there she would be. And as she travelled to and from that home in that Vauxhall, apprenticed by Roy Austin (whom she would ally in her afterwards years) Mariquita had no time for the bodies of Manzanilla, they said. But Maraquita had a abstruse activity far altered from what existed in Comparo, which actual few knew–that of a “high society” adult in Port of Spain.
And 33 years afterwards her death, there still survives affirmation of an amazing aptitude she abstruse as a child. And it additionally turns out that there is a claret affiliation who has spent years researching the lives of the Johnsons–Cleville Morris, whose father, Errol Charles, was the baby of old man Johnson and the ancestors maid.
What Morris has begin out is both absurd and dispiriting.
FOR added than a century, that acreage abode at Comparo Apple has been watching over the diplomacy of Manzanilla, and the development and abatement of its acreage economy.
The abundant abode was already there aback the “road” from the then-tiny apple of Sangre Grande was above a horse aisle arch to the east coast, and attached immigrants were still actuality alien to Trinidad to assignment the fields.
It was the centre of operations during cocoa's aiguille in the 1920s, aback array of bodies formed the 300-acre plantation, advancing to a aback aperture to be paid their allowance by buyer George Johnson.
In that abode Johnson aloft three accouchement with his Venezuelan casual wife, fathered a fourth with a servant, and becoming the acceptability of a stone-hearted overlord with the ability to use atramentous abracadabra and “turn beast”.
Old man Johnson, himself a aloft attached immigrant whose wife survived him by two decades, would accomplish the ancestors fabulously affluent by the time he died at age 71 in 1931, two years afore a blow devastated Trinidad and about the time amber began its terminal abatement from ache and low prices.
Other estates would go broke and be abandoned, the annihilation accelerated by the accession to World War II aback the labourers chose to assignment for the Americans to authorize a ability in Manzanilla (where 1,200 soldiers were able for boscage warfare in Burma and all but two would die), and body that air abject at adjacent Wallerfield.
But still the abundant house, congenital from the area's finest cedar and mahogany, stood solid and straight, with Johnson's sons George and Albert befitting the business activity until they, too, died.
It meant that aggregate went to actual sister, Behemia Mariquita Johnson, accustomed a attenuate name from the Middle Ages, and a additional name acceptation “lady bug” in Spanish.
And it is Mariquita, for all the amiss reasons, who became allotment of constant apple belief – absurd into a witch-like caricature, accursed with childlessness, ambuscade abaft shuttered windows, abnegation to accommodated contiguous with the assassin help, travelling through the apple in her Vauxhall Velox auto but acknowledging no one, advantageous accomplishment to workers through a allurement aperture in the verandah, accustomed on no chat with the “commoners”, blockage up backward into the night, abandoned in the attic to do-only-the-devil-knows what.
Mariquita died in 1983. She was in her 80s. Few accustomed her casual aback she had larboard the abundant abode months afore and never came back.
But there are still some bodies animate who knew the absolute Mariquita, and what they acquaint of her is abiding to change the assessment of the bodies of Comparo.
Cleville Morris, whose ancestor was the adolescent built-in of that accord amid old man Johnson and the ancestors maid, remembered his aunt actuality a anchoress who kept few friends. Morris, who forth with two siblings, may be the abutting claret ancestors of the Johnsons, recalled casual by that abundant abode as a lad on his way home from school, to apprehend Mariquita babble at accouchement to stop throwing stones at her trees, but who would sometimes alarm him to the abode to action him fruits.
He additionally recalled animate at her amber abode selecting beans at 60 cents a day, and as a pump accessory at Marlay Gas Station breadth she would cull up in the Vauxhall actuality apprenticed by “Mr Roy” and sometimes accord him a tip with the admonishing “don't abduct boy, be honest”. Mariquita was already old then, and there is no one who can bethink her aback she was young.
In her 70s, Mariquita would ally the man who for years was her accompaniment and disciplinarian — Roy Austin. The two would generally be apparent travelling out of the village, headed to Riverside Road, Cascade, Port of Spain, where, alien to best Comparo villagers, the Johnsons additionally had a home. Austin died in the backward 70s, abrogation Mariquita abandoned again.
Estate babysitter Joseph Alexander, 79, said he came to animate on the acreage in aboriginal 1981, assassin by Elmo Westfield, who had busy some of Mariquita's acreage with the ambition of redeveloping the amber plantation.
Alexander, who still lives on the estate's overseer's house, remembered, “She would allotment her time amid Cascade and here. But she could not airing too able-bodied so aback the car brought her, I would lift her out and backpack her to a agitation armchair inside, breadth she would be able airing about the house. Bodies would say she was a afflicted person. Some bodies were abashed to alike canyon on the alley outside. That could not be true. We had a acceptable relationship. We were never close, but she was consistently acceptable to me.”
But it is this Elmo Westfield, now 81 years old, who believes he knows why Mariquita appeared odd to so many. Westfield befriended her in the 70s, and the two became abutting friends. Quite simply, the woman was brilliant, he said. And the affidavit of it, is what she larboard behind.
THERE was already a board access in the bend of a allowance that led to the attic of that crumbling abundant abode at Johnson Hill, Camparo Village, Manzanilla.
From this angle point, one could accept any of seven portals, and see abundant of the 300-acre amber acreage developed in the aboriginal 1900s by acreage buyer George Johnson.
Old man Johnson, his amber panyol wife, and three accouchement would, during the advance of their lives, bacchanal in the acceptability of actuality aloof, eccentric, acrimonious and able of carrying a “spirit lash” should anyone cantankerous their path.
Many of the elders of the apple can anamnesis a adventure of the anger that charge accept taken abode in the abode abaft the barrier and, particularly, what charge accept been conjured up by whoever it was generally apparent afloat accomplished the attic windows, during the day and by the ablaze of lamp at night.
It turns out that the actuality in the attic was Behemia Mariquita Johnson and what she was accomplishing was magical.
This woman, advised by abounding to be mean-spirited, algid and unapproachable, was painting and sketching.
Her collection, over the advance of added than 50 years, could accept been in the hundreds. She is possibly the best abounding colonial-era artisan you never heard about.
Mariquita died in 1983. She was the aftermost of the Johnson clan. In her will, she larboard no heir. The Johnson acreage is still changing 30 years afterwards and the access of time has silenced, or erased, the anamnesis of those who knew her.
Except Elmo Westfield, who befriended this woman in the afterglow of her life, saw the absolute actuality and charcoal ardent to this day.
Westfield, now 81 years old, said he met Mariquita in the aboriginal 1970s, aback he busy 30 acreage of her estate, with the ambition of redeveloping the amber acreage which, forth with abundant of the country's agronomics and livestock industry, was one of the aboriginal casualties of Trinidad and Tobago's Independence in 1962.
He recalled that at the abundant abode in Manzanilla “there were a lot of books and paintings, and pencil drawings. Abounding were of scenery, of the acreage as apparent from the house, some of birds, the beach, the hills. She was actual absorbed in the history of Manzanilla, aback her ancestor endemic so much. And the acreage aback afresh was a admirable place. Yes, she had two brothers, but the three formed calm at a distance. She was the active force, the added accomplished one.
“People said she took afterwards her ancestor and was short-tempered. He was East Indian (while the mother was Venezuelan-born). Mariquita was a admirable woman and actual creative. And she was a abstruse lady. But aback you sat bottomward with that woman, you didn't appetite to get up for two days,” said Westfield.
In about June of 1983, an ailing Mariquita larboard her Manzanilla home for her boondocks abode in Port of Spain. She died there, at Riverside Road, on August 12. She was in her 80s. There were abandoned a few bodies to ache her passing. Her accountant was one. They chose to coffin her at Lapeyrouse Cemetery, Port of Spain, far from the catacomb that she commissioned for her ancestor at Cedar Acropolis Accessible Cemetery, amid over the acropolis from the abundant abode at Manzanilla.
That abode was afresh larboard abandoned for years and vandalised. Every allotment of furniture, every commodity account article was taken. There is no almanac of her or her assignment at the Art Society of Trinidad and Tobago. There is additionally annihilation at the abode now that is affirmation of her life, and no angel of Mariquita is accepted to exist.
However, there are a few things of Mariquita that the Express found. Like her Vauxhall Velox, the car in which she was taken to and from Manzanilla by her disciplinarian Roy Austin, whom she would ally in her afterwards years.
The car, by afresh decayed and agent above repair, was acquired by San Fernando agent Brij Maharaj, who adequate it to aboriginal action and alternate it to the road. The car, a six-cylinder automated with a 1949 date of manufacture, starred in the 2001 Merchant Ivory assembly of Sir VS Naipaul's The Abstruse Masseur and added afresh in an actual film, Pan! Our Music Odyssey, by Dr Kim Johnson.
Several of Mariquita's paintings were rescued from the attic of the Manzanilla abundant house. Three paintings are in the control of the ancestors of aloft Express writer/historian Louis B Homer.
Homer, who was built-in in Manzanilla and knew of the Johnsons, was the one who retrieved the artwork. He begin added pieces but the bats had destroyed them.
One painting still in the control of the Homer ancestors depicts the samaan-tree-shaded aisle of what is acceptable the Queen's Park Savannah. There is one of the British covering of accoutrements corrective at a time aback the country was a acme colony. A painting shows two men arena a bold of draughts. Another is of angels. This was the absolute Mariquita.
ART historian Geoffrey MacLean, advised an able in the assignment of Trinidad's best acclaimed painter Michel-Jean Cazabon, was asked by the Express whether he knew of Mariquita's art.
“This adult becomes added and added mysterious!” he said.
MacLean said he batten with Helen Atteck, who with her sister Sybil (one of Trinidad's arch 20th-century artists) opened possibly the aboriginal art arcade in Trinidad–first in Salvatori Architecture on Independence Square in Port of Spain and afresh at Trinidad Hilton, which existed amid the mid-50s and backward 70s.
Said MacLean: “Helen has never heard of her. She additionally echoed my thoughts about the additional of two paintings, that she (Mariquita) appeared to be accomplished as an illustrator, or in abreast terms, clear artist. The additional of the two is actual art nouveau in announcement and fantasy. The covering of accoutrements is carefully a clear representation. Her Savannah painting is absorbing in agreement of its representation — one assumes that it is the Queen's Park Savannah, and one wonders what aeon this was, the 1920s would be an adapted guess.”
CLEVILLE Morris, whose ancestor was the adolescent built-in of a accord with George Johnson and his servant, has approved to boldness the altercation over the diplomacy of the estate, with the advice of his ancestors Francis Lloyd-Leopold, and Patricia Leopold. The amount charcoal muddled. However, Morris, who lives alfresco of San Fernando but generally visits the abode of his birth, hopes that one day, the acreage of his grandfathering will acknowledgment to a Johnson descendant. Morris has a dream of abating the Abundant House, and authoritative it into an orphanage. One day, accouchement may run through this house.

