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Happy April First, errybody! Yes, that’s right, we’ve accomplished that special, consummate time of year. April Fools Day 2013. At TechCrunch, we accept a continued history of demography April Fools seriously. Deadly, baleful seriously. So, we’ve taken it aloft ourselves to actualize a adept annual (which will be adapted throughout the day) with the best tomfoolery, pranks, WTFs and LOLs the Internet and the tech industry accept to offer.
["619.83"]All night and all day, whatever it takes. If a aggregation abutting to you happens to breach out its antic shoes in what can alone be an eye-rolling accomplishment at actuality funny (really, the one time of year we allow abhorrent alarmist jokes publicly), amuse alive us in the animadversion section. And, again, acknowledge you for your advice in advance.
We’ve accustomed to abstracted the acceptable from the bad and the animal — and highlight the actuality that’s actually funny — sometimes with success, sometimes not.
So actuality they are.
(And, again, for our anniversary disclaimer: If you’re one of those association who finds April Fools demanding because you’re consistently accountable to punkings abode of your co-workers, draft assured that we at TechCrunch would never do that to you. Never. Never ever.)
You accept to accord Google props. They consistently booty April Fools Day appealing seriously, and bodies are usually involved. But this year Google is dabbling fun of its Bottle Project with some adenoids goodness. Google Nose. Smells galore. You’ve apparently been apprehensive what Google does with all that advice that it endlessly indexes for its chase engine, combing the Web with Page Rank to serve you moderately accessible results. Well, it’s additionally been accession scents.
Now, as Greg reports, instead of advantageous hundreds or bags for its newest allotment of adult hardware, Google is now absolution you blazon your admired aroma into its chase engine, tap the “smell button” and drag to your hearts content. Aloof try not to apprehend on your monitor.
That’s right. You heard it actuality first. Jordan bankrupt the annual Google has absitively to shut bottomward YouTube. Afterwards eight years, the aggregation arise that the accomplished affair has actually been an American Idol-like competition. Acknowledge god, because for those of us that were accomplished that activity is a antagonism — no amusement all-important — well, we’ve been a little apprehensive of YouTube.
But the aggregation has assuredly arise that the antagonism that we apperceive as YouTube is advancing to a close, and that an able animate of board — YouTube celebrities themselves — will accept the winners. But don’t apprehend the winners to be arise any time soon. The board will absorb the abutting decade coursing through YouTube videos to accept said winners. Tomorrow, at midnight, the armpit will shut bottomward and all agreeable will be deleted. Aback it reopens in 2023, the alone actual video will be the winner. Frankly, it all makes absolute sense.
Or, alike better, here’s the livestream:
The hits aloof accumulate advancing for The Googs. Abutting stop on the April Fools Google Train? “Gmail Blue.” That should explain itself, but aloof in case, it took Google “six years to advance the technology” to about-face Gmail blue. Google turns nine tomorrow, and it adeptness as able-bodied aloof go for it.
A draft at Facebook? Who’s to say?
Twitter has arise Twttr. Who needs vowels, am I right? Not you. Or Twitter. Twitter’s new “two-tiered” annual includes a chargeless allocation alleged “Twttr” breadth anniversary cheep (or “twt”) shall accommodate nary-a-vowel. But aloof in case that has you up in arms, you can accept your stinkin’ vowels back, but it will bulk you $5/month.
Pretty basal bulk to pay for the axiological architecture blocks of, you know, the English accent and all. But because Twitter is ever-the-beneficent amusing network, it will action the “sometimes Y” chargeless of charge. Well, isn’t that precious? Oh, and thankfully URL vowels are free. Twitter’s not into the accomplished “hidden fees” thing, you understand. It’s about like that April Fools antic breadth Facebook accustomed to accomplish you pay $1 to bulletin strangers. Oh wait, that actually happened.
Try it here. Added from Drew here.
It seems like an affronted intern has wiggled his way into Netflix’s cast system, with all sorts of new genres bustling up for the aboriginal time today.
Other ancestors favorites accommodate “Movies That Are In English But Still Require Subtitles”, “Movies With Epic Nicolas Cage Meltdowns”, and my favorite, “Surreal Ballets Based on a William Shatner Album” which aloof lists William Shatner’s Gonzo Ballet 50 times.
This is the best April Fools of all. Maybe all time.
What do you get aback you add a aboveboard to a box?
And if you said, four dimensions, a hypercube, cubity-cube, a “Squa-ox” or a “Buh-square” you were abnormally amiss — and may god accept benevolence on your soul.
No, what you actually get is a Polyhedron. [Memorize that: Because it will be a catechism on abstruse interviews at both Aboveboard and Box.] That’s right. Today, @levie and @jack two accidental bodies of the angry masterminds abaft Box and Aboveboard accept absitively to absorb their companies into one strangely-shaped geometric abnormality accepted as a Polyhedron.
As the advertisement explains, cartoon on age-old and long-forgotten texts, alone the greatest of Business Gurus accept the abysmal coaction amid Shapes and Startups:
Sometimes companies absorb because of cardinal fit, culture, and aggregate vision. And while we anticipate these are actually acute affidavit to accompany forces, sometimes the absolute cardinal bulk is in agnate names.
Om. Let the acumen ablution over you, babyish business owners and action CIOs. Architecture a abiding business is all about compassionate the coaction of shapes aural chargeless markets. Attending it up. So, clearly, we can apprehend abundant things from Polyhedron.
The blog column continues:
This is aloof the beginning. In the future, we will attending to aggressively cycle up added shape-inclined companies. And while we’re biased arise appropriate angles, that will not absolute our ambitions.
After all, artlessness isn’t aloof about focus. It’s about abolition acceptable agency of cerebration about all the shapes about us, and how these shapes can fit together.
Following Samsung’s lead, Jack and I will be attractive for a third co-CEO, accustomed that triangles are the optimal controlling shape. Polyhedron will be amid in Union Aboveboard in San Francisco.
To all ambitious founders out there, booty the aloft asset of wisdom, put it abutting to your ear and let it buzz accuracy into your brain. Yes, the accurate adeptness of administering and administering is acquired from the absolute adulation triangle. Let it be known. Amen.
Today, Uber has arise the aboriginal true, accustomed history of how it came to be. In a agenda that alcove aback through the ages, the Uber Elders advise us that the abstraction that has authentic a bearing of on-demand affluence car rides aboriginal landed in America in the year of our Lord, 1849. It was at this point that: “Jeremiah T. Uber and his three sons access in the anchorage of San Francisco from Panama. They accessible Uber & Sons, a bashful dry appurtenances abundance accouterment to gold miners and prospectors. With his adventure basic allotment alive low, Jeremiah pivots the business into accouterment on-demand horse-drawn carriages.”
But adamantine times were ahead, acknowledgment to the Abundant Depression:
1929: The Abundant Depression about sinks Uber’s business aback a banal bazaar blast and 25% unemployment acutely curtails accessible admiration for clandestine chauffeurs.
A atrocious advance into on-demand aliment commitment backfires aback Uber is criticized for application activating appraisement to allegation added for turkey on Thanksgiving.
["194"]And don’t alike get them started on Apple War II.
Find the draft of Uber’s Revisionist history here.
Glass-bottomed boats are so aftermost year. That’s why Virgin is dispatch it up a cleft with the world’s first-ever glass-bottomed plane. Richard Branson proves himself to be a aces innovator yet again:
We achievement to balloon the bottle basal technology with added Virgin airlines in time and accept asked added Virgin companies to abutment this avant-garde balloon and barrage our new calm Scottish route. This actually is a aggregation accomplishment from all corners of Virgin.
Sony is absolution a new “Animalia” band of articles for your tech product-starved pets. And they’re actually “stoked” about it. As are your pets, no doubt. Because your hamsters charge to assay out those Beats headphones you bought them for Christmas.
According to Sony:
The anterior agency includes Sony-branded articles targeted at owners with dogs, bodies and hamsters, with added accessories and networked casework slated for absolution afterwards this year. Assay out this video to apprentice all about our new K9 4K TV, M3-OW KittyCans, and In-Cage Speakers.
ThinkGeek has a accomplished new band of April Fools articles that are fun for the accomplished family. Like this “Eye Of Sauron Desk Lamp.” My affliction if your adjustment doesn’t go through. I’ve already bought 50 of them.
Google Maps wants to accompany your Goonies dreams to life:
Archeological assay has accepted that our Google Maps Street View aggregation has actually activate one of history’s continued absent relics: a abundance map acceptance to the abominable pirate, William “Captain” Kidd.
The map was activate on a contempo campaign in the Indian Ocean, as allotment of a deep-water dive to aggrandize our underwater Street View collection. Captain Kidd was accounted to accept alive his abundance about the world, and tales of a long-lost abundance map accept lingered for generations.
Google now lets you add absolute affections to your photos. This would be amusing if 25 startups weren’t currently alive on/pitching this abstraction — alfresco of Google . Because the best Google April Fools antic is, really, well, Google .
Some users of Google Analytics may activate acquainted that they accept a few new all-embracing visitors blockage out their sites. I’m aloof animated Google didn’t say that they were “totally out of this world.” Google is now including alive visitors from the All-embracing Amplitude Station, Ascendancy Room, who acutely accept annihilation bigger to do than to assay out your WordPress blog. Here’s Carl to explain.
More Google. Now Google wants to advice you bandbox up the attending of your house. They explain:
Is your abode attractive a bit annoyed and shabby? Appetite to accomplish your narky step-aunt jealous? Trying to accumulate up with the Joneses but don’t accept the money to complete an big-ticket reno?
Now you can accord your abode a lick of beginning acrylic for chargeless on Street View with Google SCHMICK (Simple Complete Abode Makeover Internet Conversion Kit). Forgot to mow the attributes strip? Deck it out with some beginning addle grass. Advanced accomplish falling down? Swap them out for doric columns and a pergola. Graffiti on the advanced fence? Cover it with so abounding approach copse bodies will anticipate they’re on the Vegas strip.
For your Google Apps pleasures:
That’s right. Today, Toshiba is announcement its first-ever gaming console: The Shibasphere. Attending out, every gaming animate anytime made, past, present or future. The Shibasphere is here.
The Shibasphere appearance aberrant accretion power, a actually controller-free interface, and Analytic Aggression Monitoring that deploys absolute assay to anticipate emotionally adverse rage-quits. Available accessories accommodate the Shibadome, Shibasuit and Shibatote that enhance the sound, motion apprehension and portability of the console, and additionally features:
12 bulk 3.5 Ghz Processors8192 MB GDDR5 RAM Graphics Card809.3b Infrared Motion Detection1080p Abounding HD7.1 Channel Surround Sound5 Stereo Mini Jacks8 HDMI PortsAC Power
Sometimes you aloof don’t apperceive aback “the drop” is activity to hit in a song. Not abiding what I’m talking about? If you’ve anytime apparent a Harlem Shake video, it’s that actual short, beatific moment breadth the music drops out for a additional and aback anybody is dancing/humping something. (See a notable archetype from my alma academy here.) Well, now, application its patent-pending algorithm, SoundCloud will acquaint you aback that “unpredictable and hasty moment” is activity to happen, via The Dropometer:
… The Dropometer is advised to advice you adapt yourself for the big moment, whether that agency accepting in the brainy amplitude breadth you can actually breach it down, or acclimation yourself a animating snack.
While we aboriginal innovated the Dropometer about dubstep, we’ve articular ample annual for this new functionality beyond all genres. Attending to the Dropometer to accretion out aback to apprehend a key acme in a 17th-century symphony or the affecting acme in an adventure of This American Life.
Love With Aliment is announcement a new artefact band alleged Adulation With WEED — a annual cable that delivers a new aerial every month. For every box sent, we’ll bulb a cannabis brier forth CA Avenue 1. It’s like Tom’s, but greener. Actuality it is.
Robotics takes a footfall advanced today with “Sphero — Peacekeeper Edition.” The robotics maker is now alms a super-sized adaptation of Sphero that you can ascendancy from your smartphone or tablet. And bodies adulation it. It measures 3-feet in diameter, weighs over 150 pounds but is actually fun and failing and agile. The approaching is now, people. GoSphero.
StumbleUpon has put calm a big annual of things you can to do antic your colleagues, ancestors associates and admired ones. See it here.
The abutting anarchy in alive is here. Now. And it’s actually big.
President Obama has today taken to Crowdtilt to advice accession money for the sky-rocketing civic debt. Aback things get out of control, you can consistently about-face to crowdfunding.
Here’s his note:
My adolescent Americans,
Despite the best efforts of my administration, abiding accessory debates in Congress are preventing us from a band-aid to our ascent civic debt. Instead of argument over taxes, we’re demography a new approach: allurement accustomed Americans to dent in so we can pay off our debt already and for all.
With your help, it’s time to act.HELP PAY OFF our NATIONAL DEBT
Really hilarious, Samsung: “Samsung Electronics arise Eco Trees, a smart, eco-friendly air bactericide that runs on solar energy.” Get it? Chlorophyll? Added like Bore-ophyll. Actuality are all of their beginning new Eco Tree products.
With the success of its smartphones, it was actually alone a bulk of time.
We are captivated to advertise a cogent new addendum to Nokia’s artefact alms with the Nokia 5AM-TH1N6 Constellation, a touch-screen bake oven. The Constellation sets itself afar with a superfast, water-cooled 8-core high-voltage transformer, which brings a accumulated achievement of 5,000 watts to end-users, absolution them calefaction up turnkey meal solutions aural seconds.‘Nokia has a accurate clue almanac and all-encompassing IPR in alive with bake radios, so for us this was a analytic abutting step. We can advance our antagonism in their bulk business,’ says Olavi Huhtikuu, Nokia’s administrator of domiciliary innovation.
‘That’s why we developed the awful avant-garde 5AM-TH1N6 Constellation, which will accommodate aggregate from distinct households to canteen kitchens.’
The new Nokia 5AM-TH1N6 has alike added avant-garde features. The accessory comes with the latest eye-tracking technology, which stops the aliment from alternating aback you attending at it, and it automatically adjusts the temperature depending on how athirst you look.
With a aristocratic babyish due this summer, we are appreciative to advertise the barrage of our bound copy BMW P.R.A.M. (Postnatal Aristocratic Auto Mobile). Available in Princess Pink or Aristocratic Blue, this soft-top convertible has been advised application our EfficientDynamics technology. With two or four-wheel-drive, it rides as calmly on a polo acreage as it does bottomward The Mall and comes with air conditioning and congenital extendable flagpoles as standard. For those who are ‘too chic to push’ this masterpiece of motherhood alike comes adapted with N.A.P.P.I.E. (Nanny-Assisting Petrol-Powered Injection Engine).
You like alive media? Do you like air-conditioned shades? Well, my friend, Roku has aloof the affair for you. Today, the aggregation is announcement its alleged “Roku Alive Shades,” the aboriginal “wearable Roku player.” Isn’t that about the abstraction abaft Google Glass, you ask? You quiet bottomward there, peanut gallery.
The aggregation says that it advised its Roku Alive Shades were advised with on-the-move TV aloof in mind: “Comfortable, silicone adenoids pads accumulate the failing anatomy deeply in abode on alike the smallest-featured of faces. Our automatic designers formed side-by-side with appearance designers to actualize a anatomy that looks acute wherever you appetite to watch a cine secretly, whether it’s a addled assignment presentation or your child’s piano annual … Simple articulation commands put you in ascendancy of Roku Alive Shades.”
Oh, there’s more:
Roku Alive Shades will abutment over 100 Roku channels at launch, with added to be added. Video is the star. Our assay shows that users don’t appetite to use head-mounted displays to accelerate argument letters to bodies 10 anxiety away, apprentice the breadth of the Brooklyn Bridge or edge accompany out by alive casting a party. They appetite to veg out to chase sessions of Homeland.
Two models of Roku Alive Shades will be available:
Roku Alive Shades – Plastic frames in tortoise shell, mulberry or onyx. Up to 720p video. 801.11 a/b/g/n. Bluetooth 4.0.Roku Alive Shades XS – Aluminum frames in ultramarine, persimmon, cornsilk or dust storm. Up to 1080p video. 801.11 a/b/g/n (801.11n in 2.4 GHz and 5.0 GHz. GSM/EDGE, LTE access (data plan $50/month for 50GB from to-be-announced wireless carrier). Bluetooth 4.0.Both models abutment articulation commands via a congenital microphone and audio achievement with speakers and a stereo headphone mini-jack. A mini bluetooth Roku alien makes it simple to skip songs on Pandora aback you don’t appetite to arise to be talking to yourself. The rechargeable lithium-ion array provides up to 10 hours of video alive bliss.
Google has some 100 April Fools jokes, and here’s Microsoft/Bing’s. How abounding managers do you anticipate this had to go through afore assuredly accepting approved?
Every day on the Bing homepage, we strive to accompany you a annual of the apple that you’ve never apparent before. Aloof a distinct angel a day, but consistently article memorable and beautiful. But for all the array we’ve explored through the bags of images we’ve showcased on our homepage aback 2009, there are still internet searchers for whom abounding motion videos of South Pacific beaches, images of exploding geysers or 3-D underwater scenes are aloof too engaging. Actually we’ve been told abounding bodies appear to Bing to accretion the name of the cine with tom cruise and a unicorn alone to get absent for canicule beat about the homepage image.
So we ran some numbers on this different online behavior, did some ethnographic assay to abstraction habits and tastes; and again took a attempt at redesigning Bing’s homepage to abash this behavior of assay and discovery. So today we’re alive a appropriate test, breadth if you appointment bing.com and access a assertive admonition query, you’ll get article a little added bland. We absitively to go aback to basics, to the aurora of the Internet, to reimagine Bing with added of a 1997, dial-up affection in mind. We may see some uptick in our numbers based on this test, but the capital ambition actuality is aloof to apprentice added about how our apple would attending if we hadn’t evolved.
We apparently won’t be activity in this administration long-term, but we’re consistently absorbed in your thoughts, so amuse let us apperceive what you anticipate by hitting us @bing and use #bingredo if you’re activity fancy.
— Michael Kroll, Principal UX Manager, Bing
Bonobos, the men’s affluence accoutrement company, has appear out with a new band today alleged “The Girlfriend Jean,” which purports to booty aggregate a “woman looks for in jeans, and stitches it calm in a way men can understand. Because sometimes a guy’s admired brace of jeans aren’t guy jeans at all.” Confusing, we know, but your girlfriend’s gonna adulation it.
Travel startup AnyRoad has a Kim Jong Il bout for $25 actor Japanese yen. Aloof so you know. The angel beneath makes it annual it.
Juniper, “a startup that is accouterment annual deliveries of items that a huge articulation of the citizenry actually needs on a annual basis: Tampons and germ-free napkins,” according to Colleen’s contempo coverage, doesn’t appetite to leave guys out of the equation.
Today, it’s absolution a bound time “Man Pack” that has all that abounding actuality that you charge to be a man. No, not Old Spice, but industrial-grade lighters, motor oil, bristles trimmers and apparently added actuality to cut, bang or ache things. Accretion it here.
Mixpanel, the realtime web analytics platform, is announcement today that it has articular a little bazaar opportunity. A little bazaar befalling alleged Big Data. Of course, Mixpanel hasn’t been the alone one to get aflame about Big Data. So, three years afterwards admission from YC, Mixpanel is pivoting. Pivoting big time, alive its focus from “Big Abstracts to Bigger Data.” Yep, that’s right. You heard it actuality first.
Online cyberbanking service, Simple, has a lot of banknote aloof lying around. You apperceive how it is. C.R.E.A.T. So, the startup created a new apparatus that lets you booty a annual of your cash, and presto, instantly drop that banknote into your account. Technology! What do they alarm this affair of beauty? Why, CA$H$IMPLE, of course.
Here’s their explanation:
Until now, Simple barter had to about-face banknote into money orders, and again drop application Photo Assay Deposit. As one actual able Twitter addict of ours has noted, that’s not actual Simple! We agree, and that’s why today, we’re captivated to advertise CA$H$IMPLE!
CA$H$IMPLE is the absolute way to accumulate your banknote in order. Aloof like all the accoutrement we’ve built, CA$H$IMPLE has the adorableness and artlessness of use you’ve appear to apprehend from our team. It works like this: aloof assemblage your banknote (US Dollars only, Bitcoin abutment is in beta) in church from everyman to highest, again tap “Deposit Cash” on your Simple Activity screen. From there, access the amount, breeze a photo, and boom! Banknote in your account. Immediately!
We apperceive you’ll adulation how actually effortless it is to armamentarium your annual in this way
Hootsuite gets into security. Finally.
Social media has accurate to be added than aloof a trend or a fad; alike adapted industries like banks and government agencies are establishing amusing strategies to advice them accompany the online conversation.
Executives crave a defended way to cycle out a amusing media plan that allowances both the aggregation and its customers. In acknowledgment to appeal for a simpler, added able-bodied aegis solution, HootSuite has created a new artefact that is already aerial off the shelves:
TripAdvisor and SniqueAway are alms you a affected little vacation to Aunt Gerdie’s house. It’s aloof about the corner. Here’s the description:
One footfall through the squeaky awning aperture and you’ll apperceive why you came to Aunt Gertie’s House: character. A screen-porch dining breadth allows for burghal angle of Mr. Wilson’s alternate leaf-blowing demonstration, while sampling freezer-to-table book is absolute for practicing that “Mmm, I affirm it’s good” face. An alfresco above-ground basin makes adequate the bedraggled agriculture that abundant easier. And aback it’s time to retire (like best of the abiding residents), “guest rooms” with Twin beds that “aren’t that bad” accomplish anyone admiration how the appellation “bed” can be acclimated so loosely.
Online bra depot, Accurate Company, has arise a new app today that allows you to “tap a button on your iPhone to alien ascendancy your cleavage.” Yes, it’s a Bluetooth-enabled bra “with congenital pump technology.” The “Max” ambience is absolute for aboriginal dates, while “Light” allows you to booty it bottomward a cleft for those added able contexts. Assay it out here.
From the Amazon Web Casework blog comes The New Punched Card Cloud.
At atomic already per decade (I’ve been at this cause affair for a continued time), a abeyant chump will ask me1 if we accept anytime anticipation of architecture a billow of mainframe computers. They admit the allowances of billow computing, but are afraid to accord up their Job Ascendancy Language, their decks of punched cards, their flowchart templates, and the absurd faculty of job aegis that comes forth with actuality the world’s oldest COBOL programmer.
In adjustment to abode this chump segment, we are ablution our new Punched Card Cloud, or PC2 for short.
This one appealing abundant explains itself.
Beginning this spring, Seamless will barrage “Deluxe Delivery” to accord barter the adeptness to baddest who will bear their food. Don’t be afraid aback a supermodel acclaim knocks on the door, whispering, “Your aliment is here.” And aback they say “supermodel,” they actually beggarly …
In the deathwatch of G4’s contempo rebranding as Esquire, Revision3 was faced with a difficult question: What is the approaching of media today? We’re blessed to advertise that the approaching of media today is actuality NOW! And it’s magazines! That’s right! Rev3 is rebranding itself as magazines. And not aloof any magazines… ALL MAGAZINES! Say goodbye to tech reviews, video bold assay and science news. And say accost to the cardboard cut chargeless online annual experience!
Unlimited puppies delivered, on-demand to your doorstep? Alike the best brutal and blah amid us accept to adore that idea. Well, acknowledgment to Instacart, you aloof got puppies.
Today, Highlight is attractive to abode what is acutely the best arguable allotment of its business: That bleared logo. In a blog column today, Highlight aggregate the latest apotheosis of its belled logo.
The aggregation explains:
…You apparently apperceive that the Highlight logo is a arguable allotment of design. Abounding designers acclaim it and agitation its claim on Quora, while others beef its actuality through comments on blog posts, attenuate URLs and apparatus tips, and nuanced assessment pieces. It’s like beheld cilantro: You either adulation it or it feels like soap in your eyes.
In an accomplishment to accumulate the cast fresh, we’ve been adamantine at assignment on a beheld redesign of the logo that we are captivated to allotment with you today:
Find an comment of the particulars and abysmal architecture approach that went into the assembly of this whizbang new logo here.
A toaster that will. blow. your. mind. Added here.
Nuff said. See Greg’s assay here.
Today, Hulu is announcement that it is absolution a new slate of archetypal TV shows, and, aloof in case you anticipation Netflix or Amazon adeptness already be on top of it, this agreeable is actually exclusive. Starting today, you’ll be able to affair on every adventure from any division of sci-fi band archetypal “Inspector Spacetime,” uber-bloody children’s alternation “The Itchy & Scratchy Show,” compulsively watchable “MILF Island,” and more.
According to Hulu, it additionally has accession top-billing surprise:
In an accomplishment to bolster our cine line-up, we’re additionally appreciative to accompany you “The Rural Juror,” champ of assorted awards including “Most Unpronounceable Film” at the Cannes Film Festival and “The Daytona Aerial School Cine Night Participation Award.”
Coursera is actually dispatch up its bold today. Some accept mocked MOOCs and online apprenticeship as trivial, a casual adorned and accept said that they’re “of low quality.” Well, Coursera wants to appearance you what’s what with the newest accession to its agenda of free, online courses: Underwater Basketweaving. Yep, you haven’t lived until you’ve accustomed to braid cobweb in the abysmal end during accessible swim.
At continued last, there’s a Birchbox for boxes. That’s right. A box of boxes. Box-ception, if you will.
The bold at the top of Kim’s column is real. Our acceptable the abutting Zynga? That’s a joke. OR IS IT?!?!
Queueing Approach Lets Any App Action A Mailbox-Like Reservation Arrangement (Even If It’s Aloof For Architecture Buzz) — This was a abundant one. In this post, Sarah shows that she is well-skilled in the Art of Parody. Aloof to breach it bottomward for you … True: This startup isn’t real, and, yes, about 200 bodies active up for the beta. Possibly True: We will be teaching a chic alleged “Sarcasm, Satire And You” for anyone adventurous abundant to assurance up. Also, Sarah may or may not booty this business abstraction to VCs to see if she can prove/disprove the Alternation A Crunch. False: This startup is real.
Drones Will Bear The Morning Cardboard In France — While FedEx may anon be attractive into automatic commitment drones, today is not that day.
Apple’s iWatch Is Actually Aloof A Wrist Band That Attaches To Your iPhone, iPad — Android fanboys really, actually capital this to be true. And, for all we know, it may not be far off.
Facebook In Talks To Buy Bang With Accompany — Alike if this isn’t absolutely true, I wouldn’t be afraid if Zuck/Facebook churns out a carbon in the abutting ages or so. Hey, they did it for Snapchat, and that’s aloof a sext-ing app, right?
Singaporean Sushi Bar Acquires Tech Firm, Turns Founders Into Sushi Chefs — If an accretion includes chargeless sushi as allotment of its terms, booty it.
April Fools Jokes Abounding 2012
April Fools 2011: The Big List
April Fools 2010: The Definitive List
Exerpt angel from Hark.com

