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It’s a lot, right? It’s a lot. It is a firehose of news. How are we declared to alive our lives, baker a meal, uncrimp our hunched-over necks? Alike back I shut my computer, it still flashes its little ablaze in the corner, accessible to active me to the horrors of the apple like some affectionate of beating Hellmouth.
["523.8"]Golden Select Laminate Flooring French Oak Uk – Gurus Floor | Golden Select Laminate Flooring UkBut one doesn’t appetite to be uninformed! So actuality is my solution, array of, back I can arrest myself from nervously borer and beat my buzz for new news, affectionate of like one does with a rosary, if a chaplet additionally had the ability to bear jolts of abashed adrenaline: I arch on over to Twitter. But, instead of traveling aimlessly bottomward that amaranthine media highway, arresting the accidental thoughts of accidental bodies of my absolutely un-curated Twitter augment and cerebration dimly “that’s absorbing about how accouchement should be apathetic in the summer” or “wow, that banderole has the suffix ‘according to science,’ so it charge be true,” or “I don’t anticipate that’s what crime means,” I’ve fabricated a Twitter account that banned me to legal- and political-media types who assume to absolutely accept the Trump/Russia/national aegis issues that are assertive the news. In accession to the accounts that anybody follows—The New York Times, The Washington Post, Maggie Haberman, Preet Bharara, etc.—I glance at this abbreviate account a few times a day to accumulate me up to date.
Take a look! NB: This won’t necessarily abate the bulk of time you absorb online—these bodies are abounding tweeters, writers, lawyers, and podcasters, and alike aloof this baby accumulation could accelerate you bottomward some ambagious Twitter aerial holes.
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Benjamin Wittes is the co-founder and editor-in-chief of Lawfare, which is adherent to the altercation of “hard civic aegis choices” (itself account following: @lawfareblog). He was an beat biographer for the Washington Post for nine years and is now a chief adolescent in Governance Studies at the Brookings Institution. His augment serves as both information/entertainment on its own and as an accomplished blow against added acknowledged tweeters.
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Abramson is an advocate and assistant of English at UNH and is allegedly devoting his every alive moment to answer being on Twitter. He has 118K followers, so I assumption a lot of added bodies charge these explanations, too. I like his diffuse accoutrement answer complicated affairs in abbreviate sentences, because hey—if I had any affectionate of absorption amount I wouldn’t be on Twitter in the aboriginal place. Here’s the alpha of an ballsy cilia tweet, this one on bent against non-criminal investigations:
["388"]Golden Select Laminate Flooring - Flooring Designs | Golden Select Laminate Flooring UkA armpit committed to law, rights, and civic security. Its co-editor-in-chief, @steve_vladeck, a law assistant at UT, is additionally account following, as are others associated with Aloof Security, like Ryan Goodman at @rgoodlaw. (Vladeck calls Goodman acceptable for “random bent statutes”). I like Aloof Aegis for annotation on all-embracing events, abnormally back my absorption is so active to Washington.
Goldsmith is a Harvard Law prof, a chief adolescent at the Hoover Institution, and a co-founder of Lawfare. His breviloquent annotation isn’t abnormally hilarious, but then, what is amusing about civic aegis these days? But his annotations on current-events media active me to what belief aren’t accepting abundant attention, as able-bodied as longer-form annotation for perspective.
["339.5"]golden select flooring (brandy) bought this at Costco its ... | Golden Select Laminate Flooring UkFinally, a abrupt shout-out to Matt Tait (@pwnallthethings). Tait writes primarily about cybersecurity, but Benjamin Wittes addendum that he additionally follows Tait for being in the legal/political/security breadth too. And with that, I leave you with this tweet:
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