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“Hello?” The visibly agitated adolescent woman bursts into the Gordonsville Police Headquarters. “Hello?” she inquires again, articulation ascent with tension. She has aloof witnessed a annihilation on the banks of the Rapidan River and there’s no one actuality to address it to! No one! She puts her buzz bottomward on the countertop, fusses with her beard nervously. “Hello?”
["687.73"]The abutting day, the aforementioned woman is blind upside bottomward in a barn in Somerset. Her easily are apprenticed together. She struggles audibly. A lot of acceptable advertisement a abomination has done her.
“Alright, terrific,” says the barn’s owner, Teddy Grennan. “A little aberration and about-face to the larboard while you’re accomplishing it… Right…. Perfect,” he exclaims. Addition pause. “Great Anabelle. That’s great. Alright, now let’s get accessible for her to bead the ropes.” Anabelle manages to chargeless her hands. “Cut!...Great!”
Welcome to the set of “Swing Low,” a low-budget, high-intensity abstruseness that has been about absolutely attempt in Orange County over the accomplished several weeks. Teddy Grennan of Somerset is the director, ambassador and calligraphy writer. He’s a active guy. But during a breach in the action, he makes time to allocution about his project.
“Very ablaze MacGyver, actual practical, and that’s the accent of the story,” he sums. “There’s not a lot of appropriate effects. There’s not a lot of blood. There’s not a lot of bodies actuality absolute up.” His words burst alternating in accelerated torrents. “It’s been referred to as a abhorrence blur but we’re affectionate of attractive at it as a blood-soaked thriller. Ablaze on blood.”
So, here’s the adventure in a nutshell. The woman in question, played by Anabelle Dexter Jones, is a attributes photographer. She’s canoeing bottomward the Rapidan aback she assemblage the annihilation of a mineral advance by a accumulation of locals. “And she absolutely comes actuality to accomplish the report,” he credibility to the Gordonsville Boondocks Hall. “And aback she gets here, she’s fabricated the address with the bounded sheriff, and um, she ends up accepting towed out of actuality to…this barn area these boys are cat-and-mouse for her.” Grennan is absolutely the buyer of the barn in question.
“And the guys are adage ‘Look, these mineral scouts appear here…what they’ll do is they’ll advertise this to the accomplished bidder, and they’ll appear in actuality one way or another. Don’t clean this basin out. Accept you anytime apparent what they’ve done to West Virginia?’ And she says ‘that doesn’t beggarly that you can do this!’ And they say, ‘Yes it does; it’s absolutely what it means.’”
Grennan grins. “So, that’s the accomplished story. And again she absolutely ends up artifice from this barn they accumulate her in, and she active into the Blue Ridge. They’re advancing afterwards her and she uses these little things like a allotment of wire forth the way to advice her out.” Grennan comes up for air. “And these bad bodies hunt her through the woods, and she keeps animadversion them off one by one…she uses her experience to affectionate of out acute them and break alive.”
Now here’s the absorbing part: the ending. “She makes a bad accommodation in the end. She seeks revenge.” He credibility out that usually in storytelling, the acceptable guy either wins or escapes. But in this case, “she absolutely assets ascendancy of this situation. She has a best to either leave or…she can about-face about and exact animus on the bad guy. And that’s absolutely what she does which is what you’re not declared to do if you’re the hero…she break the rules.”
Grennan continues. “Storytelling in films is alteration so much…you’re accustomed to seek revenge. It’s animal nature. We’ve fabricated these belief believable like that, area we’re not captivation those aforementioned standards; I anticipate for the better, some say for the worse, storytelling is acceptable a little added diverse. And so now alike admitting she seeks revenge, she still has to pay for it…there’s a amount you accept to pay. There’s consequences.”
Aha! Therein lies the moral.
To accomplish this all appear beyond as a full-length, affection blur takes a baby army of bodies packing van endless of equipment. At aftermost count, there were 24 people, either casting or crew, involved. Headquarters was amid at Grennan’s acreage in Somerset. They attempt abundantly forth the river, up in the mountains and in Gordonsville, area it seemed to booty hours to set up the “report-the-crime” scene. Aloof like the military, on a blur set, you bustle up to wait. And yes, they still use those bizarre terms: “Action!” and “Cut!”
“We’re hiring as locally as possible,” says Grennan. “Some are my neighbors. The actors, I’ve acclimated as abounding bounded actors as I can.” Others are from New York and Los Angeles. One aggregation affiliate carries a huge white apart blade adhesive wherever she goes. She’s cutting a little radio that says “Scriptie” on it. Addition with a shoe box abounding of aerosol bottles is alone amenable for beard and make-up. The complete mixer has so abundant stuff, he has to caster it about in a little buggy. He is affiliated wirelessly to the guy who mans a microphone the admeasurement of a football on a boom. The complete guys are from Richmond. They afresh did the audio for “Mercy Street,” and “Turn.”
Then there’s the gaffer. “I do lights,” says Jonathan Bowens as he credibility out huge reflectors that alter sunlight through the advanced doors and windows of the Gordonsville Boondocks Hall. “Give me an 18-inch brim on this light,” says addition who wants to anticipate an aerial ablaze in the alley from spilling assimilate the wall. Bowens gets assimilate it immediately.
An abettor cameraman walks in and accidentally sets two Red Dragon Epic cine cameras on the attic of the antechamber of the boondocks hall. They are account $40,000 apiece. A bounded picks his way accomplished them and goes to the boondocks clerk’s window. “I charge to pay a baptize bill,” he says aloof by all the commotion.
Everyone is calm, polite, friendly. Aback it’s time to rehearse the “report-the-crime” arena Grennan walks extra Anabelle Dexter Jones through her paces, discussing the atomic of details. “I’ve produced a scattering of films and usually I get forth with everybody,” says Grennan. “And I’ve begin that the alone being I’ve anytime fought with is the director. So I ample if I was activity to accomplish addition film, I’d rather accomplish the mistakes than accepting affronted with somebody abroad who keeps authoritative them.”
Grennan has a audibly non-mercurial appearance to his directing…flexible, assured and encouraging. He listens patiently to suggestions from casting and crew. “They all alarm me ‘sir,’” he smirks. “I abhorrence it.”
So how did this built-in of New England wind up acceptable a filmmaker? It all starts with a buzz alarm from Albuquerque, New Mexico while he was visiting his mom in Nantucket. “’You be actuality tomorrow,’” he remembers them saying. “I adopted like a thousand bucks from my mom to go from Nantucket to New Mexico the abutting day,” he recalls. His job: abettor to the assembly designer. This is area he met Oliver Stone, who charcoal a acquaintance to this day. “That was 25 years ago, so it takes a while to get started. That was my actual aboriginal paycheck.”
One affair led to addition and Teddy Grennan anguish up in L.A. area he lived and formed in the blur industry for 15 years. His wife, Emily, has familial access locally. “Emily capital to move back; she capital to move out of L.A.,” says Grennan. And so one summer day, not clashing the one aback they were cutting in Gordonsville, they confused to Somerset with their two children, Josie and Sawyer.
["776"]“L.A. has a bad rap. It’s a abundant town. There’s a lot to love. We admired it,” he blurts. But he adds, “We aloof anticipation it ability be a acceptable time with some of the things that we capital in activity to explore, and we concluded advancing actuality about by mistake. We adulation it here. It’s been great. It’s been absolutely acceptable to us. Afresh one of the best things about it is, like anyone who goes to places like Nova Scotia or these admirable genitalia of the world, it’s beautiful, and the animals are great, but what’s so abundant about it in the end is the people, which absolutely goes aback to why I’m authoritative the blur here. It’s because of the people; they’ve been incredible.”
Two years ago, Grennan abiding the administrator of a blur to accede cutting actuality aback a area in New England didn’t materialize. The aftereffect was “Coming Through the Rye,” which Grennan produced and attempt at Woodberry Forest and several added locations abreast Orange. “I had so abundant fun cutting in Virginia, I capital to do addition account here,” he says. “Filmmaking is never accessible but if you can accomplish elements that you’re actual abased on… easier, you get a big arch alpha on it. I don’t anticipate we paid for a distinct area in ‘Coming through the Rye.’ That’s a big deal. We attempt in a lot of altered places. We won’t pay a area fee on ‘Swing Low’ either. That’s a big accord in film. A ample allotment of your account is usually to pay for locations.”
And so how abundant will “Swing Low,” cost? “This is a tiny picture. It’s beneath a actor bucks,” says Grennan. “So, nobody’s activity to get aching on this one. So far, we’re about a dollar beneath budget.” He credits bounded investors for adopting some of the money. The blow came from bodies he doesn’t know. “The calligraphy got out. We got offered aloof the calligraphy to buy. It’s a fun story. And we aloof absitively to accomplish it. We knew we were on to article aback we were accepting offers on the adventure itself.”
What’s next? Editing. “That’s what I get to do all summer, which is the fun part. You get all your toys and you get to comedy with them and accumulate them all together, see what it looks like, and again you get your sound. It’s absolutely fun. That’s the best part, really,” he says. “Editing is a big job. Frankly I anticipate it’s the unsung hero of the blur industry… An editor is affectionate of a magician.”
So, aback will we be able to see “Swing Low?” Grennan shrugs. “I’ve gotta advertise it. We accept to accomplishment it. We adapt it. This is the affectionate of blur area if you can get into a brace of fun blur festivals, it’s a acceptable abode to premiere there. Hopefully we’ll be able to advertise it and go from there.”
Asked if he had annihilation he capital to add, Grennan was quick to acclaim the generosity of locals. “Thank you, Virginia. Thank you to the Virginia Blur Office…Virginia Tourism, they accept been abundantly acceptable allowance us to coordinate, shutting bottomward the streets; the Gordonsville Police, the Orange Sheriff’s Department, Chief Corbin, I beggarly the bounded businesses. It sounds affectionate of chargeless but it’s absolutely a fact; if we did not accept their support, this blur wouldn’t be accident the way it is.”
["388"]Hmmmmmm. Orange County: already a bells destination; maybe a blur authoritative destination is next.



