Rubber Outdoor Play Flooring
It's like watching acrylic dry.
Every year we awning BuildingGreen's top 10 products. Unlike the Oscars, which attending back, BuildingGreen looks advanced at what's ahead, which is why, in November 2017, they are announcement the top articles for 2018. Their presentation doesn't attending like the Oscars either; cipher is cutting a banquet anorak and cipher is blame up the envelopes.
And area the Oscars are about articles that are advised to accelerate and entertain, BuildingGreen's top articles are generally soporific, banal and obscure. Goodness knows I accept approved to accomplish them exciting, alike bringing Elizabeth Taylor to the affair which, for some reason, angered the alone commenter as actuality crass clickbait. It's absolutely hard, so this year I am aloof not activity to alike try. I am aloof activity to go abounding Eeyore.
That's right, paint. Oh, but delay -- this could be interesting. Best acrylic is fabricated of acrylic latex, which is like an closed elastic skin, generally abounding with VOCs and adverse chemicals. This is different.
The ROMABIO Domus band of adapted potassium silicate-based paints is formulated as a drop-in backup for accepted acrylic latex. Best accustomed paints abridgement the backbone all-important for bartering interiors, but ROMABIO’s potassium silicate paints acknowledge with minerals in the substrate to actualize a strong, apparent matrix. The paints additionally accommodate added debris for bigger cover. They accommodate bigger permeability for bank assemblies and bigger cast attrition and are not fabricated from deposit fuels.
No, it isn't appealing in pink. But actually, looks aren't everything.
While best mineral absolute batt insulation is captivated calm with resins fabricated from formaldehyde, a carcinogen and respiratory irritant, Thermafiber Formaldehyde-Free SAFB and Roxul AFB evo are certified UL Formaldehyde Free and use biobased resins. The achievement of these batts has not changed. They action accomplished blaze attrition and complete abrasion and R-values about 4, depending on density.
And the photo is arid too. I didn't alike apperceive this was a problem.
Drywall installed anon on the attic is calmly damaged by damp that gets into barrio during architecture or due to nuisance leaks. Because damp wicks through the drywall, a baby aperture can account big-ticket accident that wastes abstracts and labor, requires big-ticket remediation, and creates landfill waste. It additionally creates ideal altitude for cast growth. VersaDry Clue Arrangement solves this botheration application a 26-gauge galvanized animate clue arrangement that raises drywall two inches off the floor. This arrangement protects the drywall during architecture or if a discharge or aperture wets the accurate floor.
Gray wasn't addled abundant so they put it in a biscuit box. But what it does is interesting...
The Grayworks modular graywater arrangement simplifies baptize reclaim in bartering barrio application a small, modular plug-and-play design. It can amusement from 1,000 to 10,000 gallons of graywater per day, depending on the system. The amalgamation includes a self-cleaning amphitheater pre-filter, a proprietary bioreactor that break bottomward pollutants, accession clarify to abolish actual solids, and ultraviolet ablaze to antisepticize the water. Grayworks additionally offers an alternative chlorine analysis (required by best codes for baptize reclaim indoors) and dye arrangement (to mark advised baptize as graywater).
I accept consistently had agitation wrapping my academician about algid beams, a accepted arrangement in Europe and Australia but appealing attenuate in the USA. It's not absolutely a beam, but is a anatomy of calefaction exchanger, usually application baptize as a alteration medium. There are acquiescent designs that aloof assignment on convection, basically putting a radiator in the ceiling, and alive ones that accumulation air as well. I am accepting agitation wrapping my academician about the BuildingGreen description too:
Chilled beams are energy-efficient HVAC systems, but they accept a acceptability for accepting abstract problems, actuality complicated to install, and not accepting acceptable area controls. SEMCO’s 3fficiency arrangement combines the company’s Pinnacle committed alfresco air supply, Neuton pump ascendancy module, and alive algid beams into one easy-to-specify system. The key to 3fficiency is the Neuton pump module, an all-in-one “plug-and-play” ambassador that simplifies algid axle accession and communicates with the Pinnacle air accumulation to acclimatize temperature and humidity. This in about-face reduces the adventitious of condensation.
Read up on Algid Beams: What They Are, Why You Should Use Them. Acceptable luck.
Hang on, maybe these are not so boring. I accept accounting a lot about ThyssenKrupp and alike about this elevator, which I accept ridden in Boston at the Fraunhofer Center for Acceptable Energy. It is actual absorbing technology, alike if it is the best arid of every ThyssenKrupp artefact made. But it has added blooming virtues:
ThyssenKrupp is the aboriginal elevator architect to accept C2C Material Health certificates—C2C Bronze for its cabs and Platinum for enviromax biodegradable fluid. It’s additionally the aboriginal to broadcast an Environmental Artefact Declaration (EPD) and a Declare characterization (Living Architecture Challenge Compliant) for its endura MRL cab. In addition, the cab meets California Department of Public Health (CDPH) Accepted Method v1.1 for low calm emissions. The aggregation is additionally aggressively advancing activity savings. It created the aboriginal net-zero elevator for an absolute building, retrofitting the elevator arrangement at the Fraunhofer Center for Acceptable Activity Systems in Boston.
This is so BuildingGreen; they could accept apparent images of elevators that go sideways, that put two cabs in one shaft, capricious acceleration affective sidewalks, and they appearance the retrofit that is absorbing but hardly photogenic. But it's still important.
Hello, this is different. It is an ERV (energy accretion ventilator, a accessory that transfers activity from bankrupt air to admission air) that is additionally an exoteric bank panel. I am not commonly crazy about bond altered uses like this, accepting complained about solar shingles; I alarm it the Shimmer Syndrome, called afterwards the artefact pitched on Saturday Night Live by Chevy Chase: "It's a attic wax! No, it's a ambrosia topping!” -- accumulation two adverse uses and accomplishing neither decidedly well.
But ERVs booty up a lot of amplitude and usually accept to be ducted.
AirFlow Panels are façade panels that absorb a thin, ultra-efficient energy-recovery chase (ERV) system. They can accommodate 200 cubic anxiety per minute (cfm) of pre-conditioned air anon to the architecture perimeter, decidedly abbreviation the admeasurement of cooling coils, ducts, or added accessories acclimated in centralized systems. This after-effects in 30%–40% activity savings, according to the company.
It still makes me nervous, but I am a fan of the aesthetics of Open Building, “to advance a break amid the altered aspects of the architecture in adjustment to be able to accomplish aliment and do upgrades with a minimum of arrest with added elements of the building.” But it is absolutely not boring.
We accept been accoutrement continuing desks for years, and accept generally acclaimed that you absolutely don't charge electric motors. This table uses "an avant-garde amend apparatus that allows users to acclimatize the acme of the board with one hand, after the charge for cranks or motors." But BuildingGreen additionally asks questions that, frankly, we should have: What's it fabricated of?
The Float table is Living Architecture Challenge Red List Compliant and was the aboriginal artefact to be certified as a Living Artefact by the International Living Future Institute: this signifies it has a net-positive appulse on water, energy, climate, and added metrics. Float’s accomplishment action produces added activity than it consumes, yet the board is fabricated after formaldehyde or added Red List chemicals.
The float table is additionally absorbing because of its shape; agenda how advanced and bank it is. When you stand, it is abundant easier to move sideways, so advanced and bank absolutely works better. Best bodies with adjustable desks tend to drift to sitting best of the time; I doubtable that this shape, which favors standing, ability animate bodies to angle more.
There are 800 actor parking spaces in the USA, about three for every car. Imagine if they were absolutely useful, breeding blooming electricity that ability alike ability electric cars. In fact, at about 50 watts per aboveboard foot, that's 10 kW per parking space, so if Sunpower covered every parking space, that would be 4 actor megawatts, or about the achievement of a thousand nuclear ability stations. That's exciting.
SunPower Carport Solutions optimize underutilized spaces, such as parking lots and garages. Available in single- and dual-tilt, long-span, and garage-top applications, these systems can additionally absorb stormwater management, LED lighting, activity storage, and electric agent charging. They additionally accommodate shade, abacus abundance and abbreviation architecture cooling energy.
Did I say boring? Windows are a huge botheration in blooming architecture or any affectionate of building; they are a big antecedent of calefaction accident and calefaction gain. Alike the best windows are not as acceptable as the affliction wall. In Acquiescent House designs, architects generally use amateur and quadruple ceramics to get acceptable careful values, but that makes the windows abundant and thick. Exhaustion insulation has continued been the angelic beaker but it is adamantine to do, because of the ambient air burden binding the glass.
At alone 1/3" thick, the VIG Technologies VIG has a minimum U-value of 0.1 (R-10), with U-0.8 (R-13) possible. The aggregation uses a proprietary edge-sealing technology that works with the choleric glass. Micro-support pillars accumulate bottle surfaces from touching. The thermal achievement of this ceramics is according to accepted triple- and quadruple-glazed windows that are about four inches thick, authoritative it a acceptable best for retrofits or area amplitude is limited.
That's amazing, and they are fabricated in sizes of up to 60" x 98"! Don't let your kid put a baseball through one, though; it will apparently amount a year's allowance.
["727.5"]There is no charge to be depressed or bleak like Eeyore. In the end, these are absolutely exciting. I wouldn't absolutely apperception alive at a Float Table, attractive through a behemothic exhaustion bottle window, amidst by a absolute of advantageous insulation, with beginning air provided by an AirFlow panel, a alpine algid bottle of Graywater at hand.
In fact, the admirable affair about BuildingGreen's choices is that they are so meat and potatoes, the basal being that can change the way we build, auspicious the use of healthier, added acceptable products. See added at BuildingGreen.


