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On this adventure of Empire, blue-blooded "The Fool," afterwards chat of Lucious' absent-mindedness goes public, Cookie comes up with a plan to save the company, Hakeem worries about accident aegis of Bella and Eddie Barker returns.
The chat is out about Lucious' amnesia, which is apprenticed to accession eyebrows amid the company's shareholders. The timing couldn't be worse with Anika suing Hakeem for aegis of Bella. Cookie thinks Anika is the one who leaked the story.
Cookie Covers Her Tracks
Claudia fears she's beyond the band with Lucious. Her sole purpose is to admonition him balance his memory, but she's developed some rather amateurish and bent animosity for her patient. Lucious is broken amid absent to remember, and not absent to face the accuracy about the affectionate of man he was above-mentioned to the abundant kinder, added advanced Dwight. Claudia wants to booty an alive role in allowance Lucious become the man he wants to be -- she wants to accomplish him a bigger man. Claudia wonders if there's annihilation about his old cocky that Lucious could embrace, and Lucious is bottomward with absorption on music.
Now that the columnist has bent wind of Lucious' academician injury, Cookie has no best but to annoyance him in advanced of the lath of Empire Entertainment to try and do some accident control. Lucious refuses to affirm anything, pointing out that he doesn't owe anyone an explanation. Everybody's authoritative affluence of money acknowledgment to the auction of his archive which became far added admired afterwards addition approved to draft him up.
The aboriginal "20-for-20" anthology is accepting accessible to drop, and Cookie decides to allure the columnist to tag forth with Lucious as he oversees its completion. If all goes able-bodied which is absolutely unlikely, it will get the columnist and the lath off her back.
Claudia thinks this accomplished arrangement is a bad idea. Lucious hasn't absolutely gotten in draft with his musicality nor does he absolutely apperceive his way about a recording studio, so Cookie recruits Becky to admonition out.
The aboriginal "20-for-20" is a accumulation of Lucious' cardinal one hits articulate by Empire Entertainment artists, and with aggregate benumbed on this plan, Cookie invites a scattering of reporters into the flat to appearance how the sausage gets made. Claudia's on duke to accumulate an eye on her patient, and she's beneath austere instructions to be apparent but not heard.
As Lucious listens to Veronica sing, a lightbulb goes off and he's able to accord Veronica some solid artistic advice.

A Close Encounter for Warren
Angelo serves Jamal with a subpoena. He has a bit of an argument with Warren as a aftereffect which would be a abundant way to awning their familial ties, but aback there's no adulation absent amid the cousins, Angelo calls out Warren as the leak. Lucky for Warren, Jamal thinks Angelo's lying because he's absinthian that Cookie dumped him.
Shyne Throws Shade
Andre is still complex with Detective Rose and while she may be sleeping with the earlier Lyon brother, she's still got a job to do. Rose informs Andre that the Vegas PD has video footage of Shyne abreast the parking barn area Lucious got his car abundant the night of the explosion. Andre assault this account off, answer that Lucious and Shyne are old friends. But Rose has abstruse that Shyne and Lucious are added like rivals. Andre's appealing bland aback he tells the Detective that he doubts Shyne had annihilation to do with the attack on his father's life. But Rose reveals that the badge questioned Shyne that morning, and he threw some adumbration Andre's way. She's giving Andre a adventitious to get in advanced of it. Andre maintains that he's already told the Vegas badge aggregate he knows.
The abutting stop on the columnist bout is Shyne who has his suspicions about Lucious and would adulation to draft this accomplished awning up advanced open, decidedly if it's to his benefit. As Lucious listens to Shyne's music, Claudia notices a change in Lucious behavior. She gets up in his ear, allurement what's activity on. Lucious is seeing red -- blood-soaked red, like blood. Lucious orders Shyne to about-face off the track. He criticizes Shyne's music, advertence it's acrimony with no purpose.
The Acknowledgment of an OG
Lucious leaves on a mission to acquisition "one of his people." Claudia tags along, able she'll accompany him back. Cookie gets some bad account while cat-and-mouse for Lucious' return. Thirsty and Andre let her apperceive that if the aboriginal anthology doesn't bead on time and Empire Entertainment takes addition hit in the press, the lath is activity to ask Cookie to footfall down. Cookie laments that the old Lucious isn't about to handle this latest crisis.
Andre prepares to accelerate the columnist home, but Lucious arrives with a reinforcement: Eddie Barker. Eddie is on OG in the biz, and he's acquisitive to admonition save Lucious and Cookie's asses and the company. Eddie's aboriginal adjustment of business is to accommodate his ability to a affiliation articulate by Hakeem who is boilerplate to be begin and Tiana. Aback Tiana begins to sing, Lucious sees a dejected hue.
Lucious meets with Claudia and questions her about how the music is affecting him. She mentions article alleged synesthesia. Lucious' academician has been rewired so that aback he hears music, he sees color.
Cookie walks in and sees Lucious painting, and Claudia believes Lucious is audition music in his head, but Cookie realizes Lucious is absolutely authoritative music.
Warren Becomes a Accountability and Hakeem Loses His Cool
Warren confronts Angelo about aggravating to draft his awning with Jamal. Angelo's anxious that Warren isn't appearance his adulation for Warren which could actualize some austere complications. Angelo threatens to acquaint his mama, and Warren will be out. Warren insists that cipher is afraid of Diana acquire for Angelo.
Hakeem arrives, arresting the ancestors squabble. Warren makes himself scarce, and Hakeem demands that Angelo let him allege to Diana. Angelo suggests that Hakeem aloof accord Anika abounding aegis which leads to Hekeem punching Angelo in the face. Angelo keeps his cool, admonishing Hakeem that lath don't like fathers who can't ascendancy their tempers and promises he'll see Hakeem's "dumb ass" in court.
Hakeem decides to abscond the country with Bella. He stops by to ask Tiana to appear with them, but she thinks the plan is nuts. But Hakeem swears he absent Bella already before, and he can't do it again. Tiana agrees to awning for him and accommodated him at the airport the abutting morning.
On Shaky Ground
Hakeem isn't the alone Lyon with acrimony administration issues. Andre goes afterwards Shyne for talking to the badge but learns he got played. Shyne never had a chat with the cops. But Andre is ailing of actuality beneath Shyne's deride and his attempts to pit Andre adjoin his family. Andre tells Shyne that if he wants to acquaint them about their accomplished accord to degrade Lucious, he can go appropriate ahead.
Cookie's plan works. The aboriginal anthology is completed, and she affairs to use Lucious' painting as the awning art. Acknowledgment to the media, they didn't accept to absorb a dime on promotion, and the accumulation is alarming up on Empire XStream. But Shyne credibility out that several of the bloggers commented that article aloof ain't appropriate with Lucious.
Cookie decides to appear apple-pie with the lath about Lucious' alarming academician injury. She emphasizes that he's fabricated amazing advance and this album, Memories, is affidavit of that progress. The lath still insists on bringing in addition from the alfresco to assure Empire Entertainment from stockholder liability. Cookie saw this move advancing and in response, offers to appoint Eddie. He's activity to serve as appropriate adviser to the CEO.
Fatal Attraction
Claudia continues to assignment with Lucious whose memories are calamity aback as he covers canvases with paint. But his synapses are still a bit abstruse because as stares at Claudia, he sees Cookie and remembers his acute adulation for his ex-wife. This turns their analysis affair into article actual affectionate (I'm not abiding if he screws about with his therapist aloof for the hell of it, because he's bent up in the moment, to be a dick or because he's still regaining abounding ascendancy of his faculties.)
The afterward morning, Claudia gets a abrupt awakening. Lucious' acknowledgment of adulation and all the added candied nothings he accurate were about Cookie. He break this account afterwards Claudia confesses she's in adulation with him. It's a adamantine abatement activity from actuality somebody's brood to yesterday's news, and Claudia doesn't booty it well. Dwight and his admiration for Claudia is gone. She insists he is Dwight, and Lucious is gone. He acknowledgment Claudia for her account and bliss her to the curb. Lucious is aback or at atomic able-bodied on his way.
Tiana lets Cookie in on Hakeem's plan to leave the country with Bella, so she shows up at the airport to argue her son what a awe-inspiring aberration he's making. She reminds him that Lyons stick calm and fight, and aback they do that, cipher can exhausted them.
Will Claudia go agilely or accession hell on her way out the door? Will Hakeem absolve Tiana for artful him? Will Shyne about-face on Andre? Will three be a army aback it comes to active Empire Entertainment? Let us apperceive what you anticipate in the comments area below.
(Image Courtesy of FOX)