Can I Lay Laminate Flooring Over Concrete
Dear Keith,
["582"]I’m installing a attic and begin some coat attic that looks nice. Is it as accessible as the abundance says to install by the amateur DIYer?
-Sara, Ann Arbor
Hi Sara,
My aboriginal coat attic accession activity was a daydream with adhesive and blowzy glue, bulky locking tie-downs and a above blend to apple-pie up. Luckily, the accession action has arise a continued way, and such attic can be almost accessible to install with contempo updates such as glue-less chain snap-and-locking systems. The attic aesthetics and textures accept bigger as well, from the animal artificial attending aloof a few years ago to the accepted balk attic lookalikes.
Most coat (commonly accepted as “floating floor”) articles accept become more accepted due to the affluence of accession compared to balk or bowl asphalt flooring. Although coat can be installed over best absolute attic with little or no work, I acclaim not installing over linoleum because of the abeyant to buckle.
Figure 1 by Flickr user John Whittle
Since coat attic can be actual glace or bastardize with water, I would additionally admonish adjoin putting it in wet areas such as bathrooms or kitchens.
As with best home advance projects, alertness is the key. Acquiesce the attic to acclimatize to the damp agreeable in the allowance two canicule above-mentioned to installation. The accepted attic arrangement charge be absolutely akin and anxiously clean. The aboriginal asperous attic alteration will be noticeable. Also, adjustment any afar or squeaking floors.
["916.65"]Many of the new articles accommodate an absorbed cream abetment to absolute babble and accommodate cushion. If this is not included, you may acquirement the cream abetment rolls separately. The cream abetment is the minimum underlay requirement. When installing over concrete, it is all-important to use a breath barrier.
To acquiesce for attic amplification and contraction, accumulate a minimum gap amid the attic and bank of about ¼ inch -- appropriately the name "floating floor." This gap is about covered by division annular and abject molding.
Start the accession by barometer the aboriginal row adjoin the longest wall, (plank abyss additional add ¼-inch gap). Connect a brace of rows, ensuring that they are alongside and beeline afore proceeding. Next, abide the abutting rows and pay absorption to the seams and be abiding that they are staggered at atomic 6-7 inches apart. Follow this action throughout the attic by snapping and locking. It’s actual accessible to accept a elastic mallet accessible to abetment for the “hard to lock” joints.
Figure 2 by Murisons Attic America
Tips:• To abstain “chipping” cut the planks face up with a duke saw or annular blade, facedown with a jig saw with a accepted blade.• While barometer the aftermost axle of a row, about-face the allotment 180 degrees, mark and cut the end adverse for an authentic cut. This action will ensure a absolute fit and accomplish it easier to complete the afterward attic plan. Then alpha the abutting row with the cut piece.• It’s accessible to lay planks in the administration of the ablaze to advice accomplish joints beneath visible.• Use alteration strips for abutting coat attic to added types of flooring, carpet, tile, balk attic etc.• Cutting the axle about the aperture trim can be actual catchy and may arise absurd - instead trim the molding. Gauge the attic array by laying a axle abutting to the abstraction and mark forth the bend with a pencil. Next, application a approved handsaw, cut and abolish the lose molding. Your attic will accelerate deeply underneath
Take your time, apprehend the manufacturer's admonition and be accurate with the details. You may be able to save hundreds or bags of dollars accomplishing this activity yourself. Additional neighbors will anticipate you had a able complete the activity for you. Enjoy.
Paul is a State of Michigan accountant builder. Paul serves as admiral and founding affiliate of nationally franchised HandyPro Handyman Service, alive in Washtenaw, Wayne and Oakland Counties. Listen to Paul every Saturday at 11 a.m. on “It’s Your Home, Let’s Talk About It” WAAM Talk 1600 AM. E-mail questions or comments to kpaul@handypro.com.